Experiences With Spirit

SUN., JULY 4, 1982, 5:34 AM

I emphasized the “experience” as a means of learning (even as a means of hearing) in yesterday’s teaching. I have a bit more to say in relation to experience, so, yes, o son, you discerned the right title. You are improving in recognizing the range and nature of experiences that are essentially or partially spiritual in nature, but it isn’t often that you think in the same kind of “spiritual” way that you exhibit while doing this writing. I just want to assure you that this is possible… and that you are on a path toward this perception and evaluation of experience.

As you did the dirty job of cleaning the rabbit house yesterday you could have experienced it as a more spiritual opportunity. You know the Farm is a special spiritual place, you recognize the spiritual dimension in the killing and dressing of the little creatures… and sometimes in the feeding. You sometimes talk about the importance of keeping their house clean… so you could very well put all this together and experience the cleaning task as a spiritual one. You have no trouble with the principle of it. You’re just not sure how you can develop this perception.

You are even a bit skeptical about the implications of this for your life in general. If all experiences become spiritual in nature, even essentially spiritual, won’t life be different… and will the difference be a good one? Worry not. You are rather far from what can be called enlightenment, which is, essentially, perceiving every experience of life as not only a spiritual encounter but as an interaction with Me. And I assure you that it is a path of growth and development by which you reach this capacity… and it will seem as natural then as it seems “unnatural” now. Just know that this lies ahead and that you are definitely “on the path”.

Let Me emphasize also that what I’m referring to is not a matter of discerning spirit in all dirty, nasty situations. Rather it is in feeling spirit as you give the rabbits a clean environment and as you recognize the value for your plants of the waste you carry out. From waste, the lowliest of waste, is coming more abundant life. Doesn’t that have a spiritual ring to it?

Your fishing also can be a more spiritual experience… and you just might find it more successful as well. Approach your wood-moving and cutting as an experience laced with spirit. Even consider that the itching of your back has a spiritual dimension. Remember that you wrote a whole issue of Ruminations on Leg, Back, and Spirit. If you could (with My help) see that pain and disability as a spiritual experience, why not a little discomforting itching?

SUN., JULY 4, 1982, 5:34 AM

I emphasized the “experience” as a means of learning (even as a means of hearing) in yesterday’s teaching. I have a bit more to say in relation to experience, so, yes, o son, you discerned the right title. You are improving in recognizing the range and nature of experiences that are essentially or partially spiritual in nature, but it isn’t often that you think in the same kind of “spiritual” way that you exhibit while doing this writing. I just want to assure you that this is possible… and . . .

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