Explaining Your “Gift”

THURS., JAN. 13, 1994, 7:12 AM

You talked at length with your somewhat inebriated cousin, Evelyn, last evening. You like this cousin, but she was challenging you in a way that made you uncomfortable… making “light” of this relationship you and I have. You haven’t had to explain or “defend” yourself often, for most of those who feel somewhat like Evelyn feels do not express these feelings directly. As you know, and as I have told you, alcohol tends to allow the drinker to say what she feels, with lessened concern for the effects of such feelings on others.

You were not angry nor embarrassed. Importantly, you also were not doubtful of the reality of what We do together. The over-14 years of experience you have had with Me reinforce the reality that you must try to explain, every now and again. The term she used, somewhat derisively, was “secretary to the Holy Ghost,” with the corollary that she doesn’t believe in a Holy Ghost (and therefore if she were the secretary she wouldn’t capitalize this name!)

The positive connotation in this title, from My perspective, is that a good secretary is a servant, dedicated to conveying accurately what the one he serves says. As Jesus I was not always pleased with the scribes, but they fulfilled an important role in that culture in which communication was mostly oral and personal. They tended to be loyal to the Pharisees, and I was often not pleased with their interpretations of laws and of conduct, laws that I, as Almighty God, had established.

The term Holy Ghost has a long history, but you were right in simply saying that it was no longer appropriate, given your culture’s general perception of ghosts. This is somewhat akin to your experience with your name… you were once called Bobby, and that was appropriate, but now it is not. Technically, you still are Bobby… and you are Robert… but you prefer to be called Bob. As I have told you I sometimes regret that I don’t have a name, but of My possible “titles” I prefer Holy Spirit. You can just attest to that.

There was an attempt, in your conversation, to convey the truth that though I chose you for this relationship, it was not on the basis of merit. You did not earn this election. There are many other people who would seem to be much more worthy than you. There is no “good” answer to the question, “Why you?” (or, personally, “Why me?). I called you, and you responded. You have been faithful enough to the calling so that I continue. Theoretically, you could have rejected My call or been unfaithful to its “requirements.” However, My judgment is quite superior. I called you at a good time in your life and with sufficient strength and clarity that you did not refuse or deny Me.

You would not have freely chosen to do this “odd” mission. It is not in your denomination’s expectations that such a service and mission would be possible and desirable… and I have indicated clearly and directly that you should remain a Presbyterian. Thus far you are balancing these two “requirements” rather well.

THURS., JAN. 13, 1994, 7:12 AM

You talked at length with your somewhat inebriated cousin, Evelyn, last evening. You like this cousin, but she was challenging you in a way that made you uncomfortable… making “light” of this relationship you and I have. You haven’t had to explain or “defend” yourself often, for most of those who feel somewhat like Evelyn feels do not express these feelings directly. As you know, and as I have told you, alcohol tends to allow the drinker to say what she feels, with lessened concern for the effects of such . . .

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