Expressing Spirit

TUES., FEB. 13, 1990, 7:04 AM

The essence of the human person is spirit. That spirit enters the body sometimes just before or just after birth. It usually remains as part of the person until the body is actually dead, but, largely due to modern medical equipment and procedures that allow the postponement of natural death, spirit may depart while the body is technically still alive. Then there are exceptional cases, such as your Mother a few years ago – because of disease in the mind, the spirit departs temporarily, to return when conditions are more favorable.

Thus, spirit is a factor in each human life, though its power and influence will vary greatly. Spirit tends to be an active aspect of a human life, but expressions of spirit vary also. The expression of spirit is influenced by its strength, power, and development, by its balance with the mind, by circumstances, and by cultural influences.

When a spirit is highly developed it expresses “itself” continually in the person’s life. Most words and actions are spirit-directed, either working in concert harmony with the mind or successfully overcoming non-spiritual thoughts. When spirit is strong and mature and the mind truly accepts this condition as being desirable, virtually everything the person says and does comes forth as unimpeded spirit – the kind of life I love to see being lived.

Culture does play a part, however. Your culture has many ways of impeding spirit and its expression. Encouragements to be interested in matters and events which are mainly secular and subtle to blatant curbs on expression of spirit abound. Even old Antonio, a highly developed spirit and a committed servant, sometimes let cultural forces overcome his natural expressions of spirit. This happens with you much more often. In your culture the one who continually expresses her spirituality is seen as odd, and her influence is limited, even as she may be admired in some ways.

In your Christian tradition knowing the Holy Scriptures is necessary for the fullness of spiritual expression. I regularly and continually urge you to read, to know, even to memorize more Scripture, so that this expression of your developed spirit can be more full. Likewise I want you to reread these Teachings I shower upon you. For you these are a form of Scripture, for you are writing, even now, what you hear Me telling you. I am active in your modern world. I am… and what I offer you is truth. Yet you cannot utilize this unless you know it. Therefore study that you may know Me through these Teachings, living and expressing this knowledge.

There is no human action of which I am not a part. I am both an external force and an internal element of each functioning human involved in an action. But I rarely force My will upon persons or situations. Just know that in any situation, no matter how secular or how bizarre, spirit can be expressed. You look outside and you observe the action of wind upon the trees and you hear the varying sound of this interaction. This is just “weather”… or it is a powerful symbol of spirit as rushing wind being an active part of human earth life.

You received a letter from Phyllis (or Felicia), a spiritual response to your tardy but spiritual reentrance into her life. Forgiveness has come and has been expressed. Your relationship has been reestablished, with spirit as the dominant factor.

Sending out these letters you have written is another expression of spirit. You are sharing your life with many who shall appreciate this tangible expression, but only a few will respond with equal spirit. Don’t delay this spiritual task.

TUES., FEB. 13, 1990, 7:04 AM

The essence of the human person is spirit. That spirit enters the body sometimes just before or just after birth. It usually remains as part of the person until the body is actually dead, but, largely due to modern medical equipment and procedures that allow the postponement of natural death, spirit may depart while the body is technically still alive. Then there are exceptional cases, such as your Mother a few years ago – because of disease in the mind, the spirit departs temporarily, to return when conditions are more favorable.

Thus . . .

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