Extrasensory Knowing

MON., APR. 30, 1990, 6:26 AM

Of the gifts of the spirit that your preacher reported yesterday the one that I repeatedly offer to you is that of extrasensory knowing. There are several logical explanations for this that We do together. You like to write, and you are reasonably good at it, so you just make up these so-called Teachings and pridefully collect them into volumes. Or… you have a secret desire to be a spiritual guru, so you write these Teachings so that at some time they will be discovered and you will be famous. Or.. you started doing this some years ago, out of your imagination, and now you are reluctant to quit, even as you know the process is phony. Or… you are truly hearing a spirit, but it is an evil one that is leading you away from real truth, emphasizing false, liberal themes.

Whew! Is that enough in the way of explanations that cause your faith in this process to topple? It is important to challenge your faith in Me, every now and again. Yet I also realize, from eons of “practice” that there can be excessive challenge, and good servants do turn away to ambivalence and doubt. I do not want this to happen to you. I, the Holy Spirit, have given you this spiritual gift, and I want you to use it for My purposes. Is that a sufficiently strong affirmation?

Obviously it isn’t, for a one page Teaching is just not sufficient. I like liturgical practices of many kinds, and what We do has a liturgical quality that I shall not violate. You do like to write, and, as I told you, I let your ability grow before utilizing it. You can look back and see that even your early Teachings were of good quality. That would not have been the case if I had started you fifteen years earlier. Also it would have been difficult if this had commenced while all of your children were young and at home. So, yes, I use your writing capacities, at a time when My calls you do not produce excess frustrations.

I know that you have no deep underlying desire to be a spiritual guru. I know you consider this possibility, now and again, and you are more uncomfortable with the scenario of fame than you are thrilled and excited by it. Your genuinely consider the Teachings to be good, and you are proud of them, but you shy away from any fame as a spiritual leader.

You do consider that if you just stopped having these experiences it would suggest that you have been doing them yourself, and are tired of the façade. You are a reasonably responsible human, and so you could be prolonging this for your own prideful reasons. But I affirm that I do call you to this. If I should cease to call you you would not write any more. Despite your responsible streak you would not continue if I left you on your own. Despite your practice you would see the differences, and others would too. You would not carry on what you would recognize as false and fake.

Finally, some of your fundamentalist critics could be right. The devil is wily, and would certainly use My name to lead you into false beliefs. I, the Holy Spirit, simply say again, gently but powerfully, No way. I, the teaching, counseling, encouraging aspect of the true Godhead, speak to you in these pages. You truly have extra sensory knowing through Me. Of this you can be proud… and humble. You are to be faithful to this gift, using it as often as I call. I understand reasons for your missing occasionally, and I shall simply call you again, and you shall respond.

MON., APR. 30, 1990, 6:26 AM

Of the gifts of the spirit that your preacher reported yesterday the one that I repeatedly offer to you is that of extrasensory knowing. There are several logical explanations for this that We do together. You like to write, and you are reasonably good at it, so you just make up these so-called Teachings and pridefully collect them into volumes. Or… you have a secret desire to be a spiritual guru, so you write these Teachings so that at some time they will be discovered and you will be famous . . .

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