Ezekiel’s Story

SAT., AUG. 18, 1990, 6:15 AM

Yes, o son, you are now into Ezekiel’s story, which, you have been told, will be the part of the Bible being studied this Fall. I did suggest that you discontinue your own class, based on these meditations and be a student of the Holy Scriptures. So you wonder why I want you to slog through this apparently depressing story. Let Me tell you, as this hot, muggy day commences.

Ezekiel was a prophet. I, as Almighty God, called him to be a prophet to My chosen people, Israel. It was at a time when they needed chastising, for they had, as a people, moved away from My influence. It was at a time when I dealt with a people rather than only with individuals. Your Christian religion is based on the premise that chosenness and salvation are individual rather than familial or for a total “people.” You assume that you know you have been chosen by Me for a task and a relationship, and you have accepted My grace as the propitiation of your sins. Thus, you are Mine.

You assume that your older three sons each has a relationship with Me, different from this of ours. It has not come because you were… are… their father. Accordingly, your relationship with Me does not “bring Matthew in”. He must “walk this lonesome valley by himself.”

You wonder whether I shall deal with your nation, the United States, as a “people” or just individual by individual. Or, do I look at all Roman Catholic Americans as one people… or American Presbyterians? You do not hear prophets in the present day predicting a time of suffering for your nation, yet you assume there are such. I have told you that you are not a prophet, but that there is likely to be a time of financial crunch in your lifetime, one way or another. Will your nation suffer, as a nation, for the sins of some?

You see, Ezekiel’s message could be relevant in these times. I’m not saying that it is, but it could be. There will be many Americans in church tomorrow, acknowledging Me and My ways. And yet I call you a profligate nation, with your resources used for many luxuries rather than in service to the needy. You prepare to wage a war to maintain this way of life. You, as a culture, do not have a single idol that you worship in place of Me, but your idol is wealth and power. I shall not do anything directly to bring your nation down, but consider that I might desist from supports that keep you in your present position. Would I let good, faithful individuals suffer because of the idolatry of some. Ezekiel’s story says Yes, and I call it Holy Scripture.

So, one message from Ezekiel is that I might allow a people to suffer. The other quite different interpretation you should consider is that I have a sense of humor and fun, and Ezekiel’s story is evidence of this. Rather than rejecting these visions described as unreal and ridiculous consider that I really sent these to this prophet… creatures with different faces, bodies of bronze and wings that made a lot of noise. And don’t forget the wheels. I am a fun-loving God at the same time as I am a wrathful God. Your cultural thinking makes it hard to understand this truth.

I do want you to read and underline the entire Book before the class commences. You can still learn as the study progresses, but I want you to have an initial overall picture. It is not “your kind of scripture” but consider that I, seriously, want you to have this experience. Consider also that I want you to appreciate My sense of fun in the bizarre features of this story. Appreciate, likewise, that the prophet’s role is a more difficult one than the one I give to you.

SAT., AUG. 18, 1990, 6:15 AM

Yes, o son, you are now into Ezekiel’s story, which, you have been told, will be the part of the Bible being studied this Fall. I did suggest that you discontinue your own class, based on these meditations and be a student of the Holy Scriptures. So you wonder why I want you to slog through this apparently depressing story. Let Me tell you, as this hot, muggy day commences.

Ezekiel was a prophet. I, as Almighty God, called him to be a prophet to My chosen people, Israel. It . . .

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