
SAT., MAY 13, 1989, 7:30 AM

Failure is a part of the culture of which you are a part. There are various kinds of failures, but the concept of being inept or unable is a strong one. Even in relation to Me there is the powerful notion that one can succeed or fail. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about failure? Listen, o son.

In one sense, failure is the opposite of success. It is possible to judge life situations in this black/white, either/or fashion. If you are seeking to win, then winning is success, and losing is failure. You are sitting here trying to hear what I say about this theme, and you know that you must write three pages. By your own standards and Mine, if you wrote less or if you just gave up that would be failure, and you have not had such a failure since the “system evolved.”

Yet such a failure would not negate these years of hearing and writing. True failure would be stopping now and never coming to this time of meditation again. Small failures are part of the yin/yang nature of earth life… or in more Biblical terms, “for everything there is a season.” If you have some decent life goals, these will mean some failures. You would love to be recognized as an Outstanding Teacher. There has been no such recognition. Therefore you are a failure, and in a small way you feel this… and you should, for this is a worthy goal.

At the same time you can feel success in what you do professionally. You are not a failure as a teacher. You are just a failure at being “the best.” And I have told you repeatedly that you are not outstanding, even as I also tell you to strive to be such. Thus, I would have you fail. But in this you accomplish much. You are presently a failure at publishing professional papers, and I have called on you to do this. Still, you are not a failure as a professional, for you are accomplishing much that is helpful, including the writing and distribution of Our Ruminations. So you see that as you succeed in one task you may fail at another, in this realm where time seems real.

You are a failure at regular Scripture reading. You are a failure at regular times of prayer. You are a failure in giving regular service to your community. And still you are not a failure as a Christian person. Shouldn’t an accumulation of failures add up to failure? Only when these failures are partly the result of successes and, in My realm, simple faithfulness to Me. I know your heart, and I feel the faithfulness that is in your spirit, even as it does not translate to all the most desirable behaviors. You can fail in many ways, and still have your hand in Mine. For I am ever reaching for you… and for each.

If I let you focus on your failures, your life would be much less happy, and you would accomplish much less. I want you to live life fully, accomplish much, and give Me the glory, at least occasionally. You are a great success at being above average… not quite outstanding. You are not faithful in many spiritual practices, and yet you do better than all but a few of My Christian servants.

There is no way you could be pleasing Me as you do without a number of failures. You strive beyond your capacities and fail, but in this you accomplish. You commit yourself to more than time allows, and so you accomplish in some ways and fail in others. Resist any temptation to become cynical about such reality. Accept that you waste time, and out of that acceptance go on to accomplish.

With your student Lori you were a failure as a disciplinarian and as one committed to high standards of responsibility. In this failure you were a success as an understanding, forgiving friend. Which did she need more? You cannot know, so continue to be the person I urge you to be.

SAT., MAY 13, 1989, 7:30 AM

Failure is a part of the culture of which you are a part. There are various kinds of failures, but the concept of being inept or unable is a strong one. Even in relation to Me there is the powerful notion that one can succeed or fail. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about failure? Listen, o son.

In one sense, failure is the opposite of success. It is possible to judge life situations in this black/white, either/or fashion. If you are seeking to win, then . . .

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