
SAT., APR. 17, 1982, 7:52 AM

You come to this teaching/learning opportunity, o son, with faith that My Mind and Spirit shall communicate, and that your hand shall move to record such a communication. You have done this many times before, but as you began there was a mixture of doubt and faith. As you sat down your mind was devoid of spiritual matters. Yet faith prevailed again. We shall speak of faith this day.

Without spirit you could have no real faith, for faith is, truly, what the spirit knows. With a poorly developed spirit a person is limited to what the mind knows; beyond that is uncertainty. Remember that the mind values itself, and may have little regard for spirit, so the person is likely to feel proud about the uncertainty and even disdainful of those who have and give testimony to their faith.

As the spirit is more developed the recognition of faith as a desirable possession increases, the desire for personal faith grows, and some actual faith becomes evident. As spirit increases in capacity (and one of these developmental paths is in just going against the mind and “having faith”) it comes to “know”, in “spirit ways”, and what the spirit knows is the substance of faith.

Let’s commence with Me. When your spirit and My Spirit are related, in communion, even intermingled, your spirit knows this, and it is manifested in your total self as faith. The mind may ask for proof, and the minds of others may echo that request for substantial verification, which can shake an immature faith, but strong faith is, in fact, spiritual knowledge, so it is difficult to break.

Faith begets faith just as knowledge begets knowledge. As you learn more, with the mind, your capacities to learn even more increase, and learning comes more naturally. It may be easy… or difficult… but it is more possible with a strong base of developed learning. Your spirit has been active with Me for several years on a regular basis. In human, earthly terms what you have is faith in Me, in My ways, and, particularly, in this process. In My terms your spirit knows Me, knows My ways, and knows this process. So true faith is what spirit knows.

When you have faith in another person the basis of that faith is the active relationship between your spirit and hers or his. Faith in a family is based in an interaction between your spirit and that which inheres in the family. Likewise for institutions… even nations.

Hope goes beyond faith just as speculation and hypothesizing go beyond knowing. Just as speculation may be verified and thus become knowledge, so hope may stimulate greater relationship among spirits, and what was only hope becomes faith.

SAT., APR. 17, 1982, 7:52 AM

You come to this teaching/learning opportunity, o son, with faith that My Mind and Spirit shall communicate, and that your hand shall move to record such a communication. You have done this many times before, but as you began there was a mixture of doubt and faith. As you sat down your mind was devoid of spiritual matters. Yet faith prevailed again. We shall speak of faith this day.

Without spirit you could have no real faith, for faith is, truly, what the spirit knows. With a poorly developed spirit . . .

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