
THURS., OCT. 31, 1991, 7:02 AM

You are here, o son, on a cool, damp morning because you are faithful to My call. You had no great desire to roll out of a warm bed and come to this cool room to take up this ritual pen and write what you hear. Yet here you are, and the title I have offered you is faithfulness,

This is one of the great Biblical themes… along with its opposite – unfaithfulness. The story of Noah is one of faithfulness. As the story goes I, as Almighty God, risked My whole venture with human and animal life on the faithfulness of Noah. Would he build a huge ark and gather animals because I told him to? Was his faith in Me great enough to do such a crazy thing, when no one else believed there would be such a flood? And it still functions today: can you maintain your faith in Me and in My Scriptures, which include a story which seems so blatantly impossible? Noah had faith. So must you have.

Next comes the story of the great patriarch of faith – Abraham. How could he be the patriarch of a countless people if he had nary a son? I told him to have faith. He had a son by Hagar but this son was not to be the heir. Have more faith, Abraham! Then came Isaac, but then I called Abraham to sacrifice him, his only son and the means to My promise. Again, forget the criterion of reasonableness for Scripture. Accept that I did actually call him to murder his son as an act of faith. Have faith that I am good despite such a bizarre test. Have faith that I still am involved in the present Middle East conflict between the descendants of Isaac and those of Ishmael. Have faith that there is some value in this conflict or I would resolve it.

It was irrational that Abraham should have a son by his old wife, Sarai and that then I should call on him to sacrifice that son. It is irrational that you come to this place and write in this ritual way. No one else does it. You can’t “prove” that these are Teachings from Me, the Holy Spirit. Wouldn’t it be better just to ease back into “normal” life? No… this is a venture in faith. It shall not be retold and recorded as was Abraham’s, but it is a minor version of My continuing faithfulness story. I call. Can the one called be faithful, even when the action required is strange and irrational.

Your task, you must also realize, would be less of a test of faith if I either told you to remain a fundamental Christian and gave you only Teachings that reflected Holy Scripture “perfectly” or if I told you to give up orthodox Christianity and call these New Age Teachings. Instead, I call you to be a faithful Presbyterian Christian who writes a non-Biblical account of eternal life and asserts that I, the Triune God, have a great sense of fun and humor and that many Bible stories represent this fun nature in Me. Your Teachings say that I love all of humankind and that am with and affect them all, not just Christians. I tell you that I love this earth and its people and have no plans to destroy the evil ones.

And your task, if you will be faithful, is to continue to record what I send to you and to affirm, at least when “cornered” that these truly come to you from the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, Who was and is in Jesus, the Christ. That’s your test of faith.

THURS., OCT. 31, 1991, 7:02 AM

You are here, o son, on a cool, damp morning because you are faithful to My call. You had no great desire to roll out of a warm bed and come to this cool room to take up this ritual pen and write what you hear. Yet here you are, and the title I have offered you is faithfulness,

This is one of the great Biblical themes… along with its opposite – unfaithfulness. The story of Noah is one of faithfulness. As the story goes I, as Almighty God, risked My whole . . .

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