False Doctrine

DEC. 21, 1980, 5:20 AM

You come in pain and discomfort again, o son, so this morning we shall consider another rather negative phenomenon. On a Sunday morning, bright with promise, the teaching should be on something quite positive… right? Well, let Us see where False Doctrine, as a theme, leads.

I shall start with reiteration of an old truth, o son… My messages to you and your messages to others… and your general posture… are to be essentially positive. Your task is not to ferret out and expose false doctrine and harmful teachings. Know that some are called to do this… but not you. That is enough to say about this, in relation to your mission.

There is false doctrine in the world. There are statements about Me or about alternatives to Me that have little or no truth in them. The interesting feature of this, however, is that some of My true servants can and do put forth false doctrine… as well as those who deny Me or ignore Me. And, to complete the confusion, some of My so-called opponents proclaim truth, without a desire to do so. The best situation is a true, called servant presenting and living true doctrine, while the worst, obviously, is an opponent enthusiastically and conscientiously putting forth doctrine that is far from truth. But in between are many mixtures that are vexing on the one hand and amusing on the other.

I enjoy situations in which I am rightly preached and effectively defended. Yet, remember that this is not crucial to My “future”. As you read various portions of Scripture you are often struck with the urgency of prophesies uttered, now, thousands of years ago. Am I in no hurry to claim My rightful place as Supreme Lord of the earth? By your time framework, obviously not. At this time of year you hear and read the prophesies of My Coming as Jesus, and I was to be a marvelous leader. Was this false doctrine? Or does it involve some other concept of leadership?

Consider that being a servant can constitute true leadership… that giving to others accumulates true riches… that living life dedicated to Me is the true sermon… that being too sure of what is true is the path away from truth.

DEC. 21, 1980, 5:20 AM

You come in pain and discomfort again, o son, so this morning we shall consider another rather negative phenomenon. On a Sunday morning, bright with promise, the teaching should be on something quite positive… right? Well, let Us see where False Doctrine, as a theme, leads.

I shall start with reiteration of an old truth, o son… My messages to you and your messages to others… and your general posture… are to be essentially positive. Your task is not to ferret out and expose false doctrine and harmful teachings. Know that some . . .

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