
SUN., MAY 8, 1994, 6:50 AM

This is a symbolic day relating to the family. It is called Mothers Day, recognizing and emphasizing the role that some women play, that of mother. In most cultures the mother is the more nurturing parent, the one who shows love the most readily and encourages the young to feel and express love.

You know, from your limited professional time as a counselor and from your own experience as a father, that it is difficult to be the disciplinarian and the loving one who forgives. I face this difficulty also… the Scriptures that portray Me as a God Who holds to high standards and punishes for sins do not enhance My image as one Who loves unconditionally. Conversely, if I do forgive “seventy times seven” and do not “hold your sins against you,” then where are the standards of righteousness?

Thus, in the most traditional human family, including the Christian family, it is assumed that the man and the woman, at marriage, become one, in a mystical way like unto My being Three and also One. They are one, but the father, when children become part of the family, takes the major role as teacher and enforcer of the “right,” the giver of punishment when conduct is deserving of such. The mother is more the forgiver, the one who shows love more unconditionally, who accepts the child or youth no matter what the sin. If these “roles” are played artistically and in tune with one another, children come to see the value in each, and even this Oneness, the spiritual factor in strong families.

And yet children react in diverse ways, even to this ideal parenting “model.” Each person who becomes a parent has been a child, observing and experiencing how one or both parents have acted… have been. So when parenting “breaks down,” the next generation can be affected… and on… and on…

The mother role is an important one in the encouragement of humanness, with a strong spiritual component. Mothers teach and guide. Mothers must sometimes discipline, but with the “understanding” that this is not her principal role. Mothers forgive, with the faith, that I often have expressed to you, that such forgiveness offers a “clean slate,” an approach to a new day of life without the burden of guilt that inhibits productive living. And yet this ideal often is skewed by children’s actual conduct, and by circumstances. (Finish this after the morning worship and class discussion. 7:27 AM) 10:03 PM.

There are many implications, these days, that I, as the Triune God, approve of only one type of family… this two parent one. I do like it, and I see some real advantages in it, but just as I do not approve of only one denomination or one style or worship, I accept a wide range in family living. The key factor, of course, is the relationship each has with Me and the actual effectiveness of the family “unit”… in helping to bring members to Me. That continues to be My main criterion.

The story, this morning of Mrs. Wesley, the mother of the 2 men most responsible for Methodism, the Church of your childhood, was an interesting, provocative sermon for this day. (Be sure and compliment Richard for that attempt at “theater”). In one sense it was a non-applicable, non-commendable picture of family life for today, for your culture. She was portrayed as a fine, Christian, caring Mother, but the notion of it being commendable to produce 10 children for the next generation, even as 2 of them were servants of Mine in a special way, is family action of which I don’t approve.

SUN., MAY 8, 1994, 6:50 AM

This is a symbolic day relating to the family. It is called Mothers Day, recognizing and emphasizing the role that some women play, that of mother. In most cultures the mother is the more nurturing parent, the one who shows love the most readily and encourages the young to feel and express love.

You know, from your limited professional time as a counselor and from your own experience as a father, that it is difficult to be the disciplinarian and the loving one who forgives. I face this difficulty also… the . . .

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