Family And Spiritual “Troubles”

MON., AUG. 15, 1994, 12:33 PM

Lenore had the long conversation with nephew Dyer this weekend past, and from this came news of troublesome relationships… and no relationship at all. Lenore suggested that I might have something to say about this situation, and, even though I don’t normally “take requests” from you, I shall offer some observations.

Dyer is one of those in your extended family and your spiritual family who is homosexual and therefore shall not reproduce himself biologically… shall not have children. You know from many Teachings, Me to you, that I am pleased when some who could, do not add to the human population on the earth. I also recognize and admit that among the diverse personalities I have caused and allowed to develop there are some who should not be parents. When young people judge themselves in this way and do not take on this responsibility I am pleased.

I tell you (which does not mean that the same message goes to all other servants of Mine) that what humans do with their sexual organs, apart from procreating, is not of particular interest or concern to Me. They can be part of the sharing of love, and of this I approve. They can be part of angry, destructive relationships, and this is not pleasing. They can be some of each…or just pleasureful, without great intensity.

Homosexual relations are now being recognized with a bit more acceptance in your culture today. Still these are not normative and never will be, and hence there is opposition to acceptance. Some of those most opposed are Christians, even devout and dedicated. They hold to a few Scriptural passages, and from these proclaim that I approve of only heterosexual relations. The only concession to homosexuals is that if they remain celibate… I’ll just say again that I’m little concerned with the details of sexual activity… only in what this adds or detracts from spiritual growth.

One “buzz term” is “family values,” with the assumption that the only true values are those of a single, permanent, heterosexual marriage and union, with children for the next generation. These should relate to grandparents, to aunts, uncles, and cousins, with pretty much a common set of values. Now it is true that I, as Jesus, was not a family man, and Peter is the only disciple who it is inferred had a wife… at least a mother-in-law. There were women among My followers, but it isn’t clear how many of them were in the ideal relationships so desired today. The Bible story has men with more than one wife… with concubines… men expected to marry a dead brother’s wife… all sorts of aberrant patterns. Were there homosexual relations, not reported in Scripture? Homosexuality is not just a modern phenomenon.

It is hard for some Christians to accept homosexual persons, even family members, as children of Mine, for this “must be” a sinful way of life that I cannot abide. You know that I say I am looking at the heart and spirit, not at genitalia. I am looking for loving relationships, kindness, compassion, service to others, and love for Me and My world. Some of those who are the least accepting actually are guilty of more sin, in My eyes, than those they reject.

Now the best thing I can say about those who genuinely reject Me as the Ultimate Reality and the Sustainer of earth life is that there is, finally, a cost to such rejection… a cost that is assessed in the life beyond this present earthly one. If one doesn’t believe there is such a continuation of life he is surprised… or he is allowed to just remain without consciousness… but with some sense that “he’s missing something.”

MON., AUG. 15, 1994, 12:33 PM

Lenore had the long conversation with nephew Dyer this weekend past, and from this came news of troublesome relationships… and no relationship at all. Lenore suggested that I might have something to say about this situation, and, even though I don’t normally “take requests” from you, I shall offer some observations.

Dyer is one of those in your extended family and your spiritual family who is homosexual and therefore shall not reproduce himself biologically… shall not have children. You know from many Teachings, Me to you, that I am . . .

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