Farm As Spirit

APR. 11, 1981, 5:20 AM

You have been away from this time of writing for awhile, o son, so you will find it somewhat difficult to keep your attention. Hear Me at least every other day this week so that your attentiveness can be restored. You must admit you need help with your concentration.

Thursday was a most special day involving you and your Farm. It was not unusual, then, that out of this experience came your decision to stay here this coming week rather than traveling to Boston for the convention. There was, and is, a spirit in the Farm place that is important to recognize. You are approaching it as I instructed, and you are beginning to make the improvements needed… and thus the spirit shall become more evident to you… and to others. This week can be an important one in that regard. You are not to give up going to conventions, for this is a spirit-renewing experience also, but for this week you made the best decision. Use the week, to some extent, in freeing and making more evident the spirit in the Farm.

It is not a strong Christian principle that spirit is to be found and experienced in a place. Yet you realize that the Old Testament is full of incidents and experiences that firmly suggest this to be true with My chosen people, the Jews. That heritage should be maintained by you Christians today. It is not inconsistent with the presence of Me, the Holy Spirit. It is just a nice complement to the spirit that is in people and that which is Me.

Two truths need recognizing. One is that a place can reflect the spirits of those who inhabit it… or who are there for some occasion. A spiritual event can transform a place, and the spirit of the event AND of those participating can be reflected in obvious ways. The other truth is that a place can have a spirit of its own that stimulates the spirits of those who come to it, making events there more spiritual than they would be elsewhere. So be aware and appreciate that your Farm is such a place. It has been an important part of your life… and shall be even more so from now on.

As you move along the path to Enlightenment you shall discern Me more clearly and frequently, you shall recognize the spirit that is in individuals, diversely manifested, you shall appreciate the spirit that is in and is generated by events, and, finally, that which is inherent in certain places. Yes, some places have more spirit than other places… and the spirit in some places is more evident to some people than to others. In the last two days people have spoken to you of that… and this has not been by chance.

APR. 11, 1981, 5:20 AM

You have been away from this time of writing for awhile, o son, so you will find it somewhat difficult to keep your attention. Hear Me at least every other day this week so that your attentiveness can be restored. You must admit you need help with your concentration.

Thursday was a most special day involving you and your Farm. It was not unusual, then, that out of this experience came your decision to stay here this coming week rather than traveling to Boston for the convention. There was, and is . . .

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