
SUNDAY, AUG. 9, 1981, 6:00 AM

You are not sure you want to hear some words on being a father, since you are not thinking well of yourself in that role. But… you would like to have this last opportunity turn out better, so you are willing. You know, o son, that I can be harsh, but you also know that I love you and want the best for you. I speak as the Holy Spirit for God the Father… the Supreme Father.

I need not tell you that being a father involves that artistic combination of loving acceptance of what the son has done and is and the loving non-acceptance of behavior and life style that does not meet your… and My… standards. I accept you… but…

Now you have a perfect right to ask about My general approach. You know that I now teach and guide you directly, but you are also aware that with most Christians I am much more indirect and with many, non-Christians I do not seem to be affecting life at all. It is fair to say, then, that My general way of being a Father it to put My story in writing – the Holy Bible, to establish My Body, the Church, as a means of fellowship, inspiration, and teaching/learning, and then to work through certain people – in the ways they live, speak, and write.

Applying this to Matthew, or any of your other sons, means that they should know your story, and it should be in written form. When you have an experience, a revelation, or a conviction write it out and give it or send it to one… two… or all. The written form is often a better means of communication than the verbal form anyway, and it is one you do well. So use it. Obviously, share with him (or them) words you receive from Me, but compose your own as well. The secret of good communication is: if you don’t succeed one way, try another. You may be better at it, and the one with whom you want to communicate may be more receptive.

Secondly, you have the family as the analog to My Church. You know, from experience, that it, like the Church, may not always succeed in being the loving fellowship it should be. Yet it is there to try again, and what one member cannot do, another member can (hopefully).

Thirdly, there are other people who may have more influence than you have. It may not be influence of which you always approve, but recognize the fact of influence. Then you may work through these others, communicating to them and letting them communicate on to the son. Kris is a good example of someone I was not reaching directly, but when I used you and these teachings of Ours I connected. (Write to her.)

So, speak directly to Matthew. Don’t be put off by apparent failures in individual instances. And don’t take the same approach each time. Certainly develop variations on castigating him for his inadequacies. You have inadequacies, certainly, but if I spent much time dwelling on these, I would find you avoiding Me. So I work mainly through praise and acceptance. Yet I correct you when it is appropriate.

SUNDAY, AUG. 9, 1981, 6:00 AM

You are not sure you want to hear some words on being a father, since you are not thinking well of yourself in that role. But… you would like to have this last opportunity turn out better, so you are willing. You know, o son, that I can be harsh, but you also know that I love you and want the best for you. I speak as the Holy Spirit for God the Father… the Supreme Father.

I need not tell you that being a father involves that artistic combination of . . .

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