Fear Not, For Behold…

SAT., NOV. 22, 1997, 6:05 AM

Yes, o son, I, the One and Only Holy Spirit of the One and Only Lord God (Who is called by many names) did call you this morning, and I used My “old reliable” – fear. You still are enough of a product of your medically oriented middle class culture to have some fears about your blood pressure and your body’s capacities to counter this. So, conveniently I used this to urge you toward this familiar place (the clutter has been reduced mightily… now it’s time for the table) to hear Me on a cool, cloudy morning.

Now you aren’t really fearful of dying, for I have told you frequently, through our years together, that you shall live just as long as I want you to live. So… how does this square with My other assertion that I mostly let events occur as they will… that I don’t micromanage this earth and its individual humans, living in quite diverse ways? Well… I can cause, allow, and prevent. You are an unlikely choice of Mine for an unlikely task. But so it is… behold… I chose you, and you shall live as long as… I decide. I won’t tell you that length, but I’ll just say that your estimate is about right. So fear not, for the moment I have a lot more to say to you. Just as these three sheets of “Our paper” balance for a teaching, so your life will be “just right” in its length and content of activities.

I realize that fears are not often rational. Even a clear, strong statement from Me can’t just eliminate all of your fears, but I do recognize your spirit, and it is in tune with Mine. Just as I have taught you in relation to cancer and other disease conditions, so it is with fears. Don’t seek directly to defeat and eliminate them. Merely counter them with positive spirit and live with a comfortable balance.

I want you to live life fully and positively each day, balanced by remembrances of the past (as you recounted last evening) and by some plans for the future. But just as you realize that in two days you shall leave this place for a week in California… and are making some preparations for this change… so you should be making some preparations for movement out of this life. (And I’ll assure you that any such preparations will not hasten the transition).

You note that I said “out of this life”, not “out of life”. Your life, in the spirit, shall continue on until your spirit has grown and developed to a state in which it will be quite clear that your individuality is no longer necessary or desirable. It is hard for you, as Bob Russell, a product of a culture that so values the individual, to envision feeling that there is no need for your continuing “self”. In some ways it is not unlike bodily death. You can, with willingness, leave this body behind and go on to more unrestricted living in some spirit realm. And you can, quite willingly, give up this celestial individuality and merge back into Me – the Spirit Who both gives and receives. (Yes, it is somewhat like that first law of thermodynamics.)

Be less and less concerned about daily news. Relationship with Me gives you capacities to interpret happenings in ways that conclude that “all is well”. Read… and then contemplate. Recognize spirit in every task. Be more aware, for you are moving toward much greater awareness. And then appreciate more fully all of which you are aware.

SAT., NOV. 22, 1997, 6:05 AM

Yes, o son, I, the One and Only Holy Spirit of the One and Only Lord God (Who is called by many names) did call you this morning, and I used My “old reliable” – fear. You still are enough of a product of your medically oriented middle class culture to have some fears about your blood pressure and your body’s capacities to counter this. So, conveniently I used this to urge you toward this familiar place (the clutter has been reduced mightily… now it’s time for the table) to . . .

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