
WED., DEC. 28, 1988, 6:40 AM

One of the emotions that nearly every human feels, on some occasions, is fear. And there are different degrees and focuses for this emotion, so that it is proper to consider fears, as a plural. Since fears are a part of humanness (even if they are to be overcome) they are part of what I, as Almighty God, created, and therefore are part of “good.”

Fears are useful because there are dangers in earth life. Some dangers are just natural, and many more have been created directly or develop as a result of creation. Fears can be a helpful response to a perceived danger. Fear can encourage caution or can discourage further participation in the dangerous situation. Many a person’s life has been saved or prolonged because of response to a fear.

And yet a person who has responded to fear may be less healthy if that fear persists beyond its natural, helpful time. Fears persist and interfere with rich living. Fears can cripple and make life difficult. Fears, designed to help protect and prolong life, can actually shorten life… can kill… by their effects.

Fire has great value when it is properly controlled. Out of control it can be fearsome. You have occasional fearful thoughts about this Farmhouse and fire. Fire, in any of several forms, is necessary for heat in these cold months, but you have a feeling for how easily this structure would burn if any of these fires got beyond its controlled state. These fears should make you cautious and careful with fire. Beyond this, such a fear is harmful.

Fears, of course, are an holistic phenomenon. While fear is basically an emotion, its causes and effects are numerous. While fear is felt as an emotion, there is an intellectual quality to many fears. You come to know of some danger or your mind develops a “scenario” of danger, and fear proceeds. Then the body responds, and the feelings of fear can be the worst that the body develops. You felt some of this last evening, and the feeling was most unpleasant.

Fears can have their base in the intellectual. When you do not know what is necessary to be known fears can arise. The testing process in the educational system causes fear to arise… fear that you haven’t learned enough or “the right material”… fear of failing or of not doing well. This is supposed to encourage learning, and it still does in some learners. Yet I encourage you to use it as little as possible in these latter years of your teaching career. Leave fear to others. Encourage the love of learning rather than the fear of failing.

Social situations can be fearful. Fears arise when you are not sure what is appropriate to say or do. Fear discourages some social interactions. These can be small fears that just keep you quiet and immobile… inactive. And hence opportunities are missed.

While the spirit can counter fears it also can be a fount of fears. You are rather strong in your faith and in your relationship with Me, and therefore you don’t generate the fears that many others feel. There are fears about My not being at all, and about My not being willing or able to help. There are fears about My wrath and My punishments for sins committed. Many turn away from Me because of such fears, and yet turning away brings other fears.

I know that My words cannot allay all fears. I offer them, nevertheless. With your hand in Mine there is nothing to fear. You shall be protected against some dangers, and others shall be to your spiritual benefit to endure. Even pain and disability can be endured… even appreciated… when spirit is strong. The threat of death should pose no fear, for I assure you that life continues, with greater freedom, potential, and experiences.

I love you, and you love in response. Love is a wonderful antidote to fear. Love works best with certain fears, and is not much help in others. One of the challenges of earth life is to encounter fearful situations and surmount them. Some persons are excessively fearful, while a few are relatively fearless. Most of you have to cope with fears as a part of life. Fears are challenges you can overcome, succumb, or “muddle through.”

WED., DEC. 28, 1988, 6:40 AM

One of the emotions that nearly every human feels, on some occasions, is fear. And there are different degrees and focuses for this emotion, so that it is proper to consider fears, as a plural. Since fears are a part of humanness (even if they are to be overcome) they are part of what I, as Almighty God, created, and therefore are part of “good.”

Fears are useful because there are dangers in earth life. Some dangers are just natural, and many more have been created directly or develop as a . . .

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