Feel No Shame

October 6, 1979, 8:58 AM

You have heard Me right, o son, for these are the words with which I commence this day.  You believe in positive health, and you are doing fairly well in teaching this way, but your personal mind and spirit… these often surprise Me.  You still have too much guilt and shame laid on yourself.  You, like many of your fellow Christians, find it hard to accept My grace… to start fresh, washed white as fresh snow.  You just cannot think and act positively if you are burdened by lingering feelings of  What if…? and “I’m sorry”.

Now, remember, it is good to confess.  It is My will that you straighten yourself and reorient yourself to thoughts and deeds that are more in My direction.  But once you set yourself to do this, don’t mumble, don’t tarry, don’t wallow in your tiny sins.  State them clearly and bluntly.  Offer them for My blessing.  (For any act CAN be a blessed one.  It is My approval, not the act itself, which makes for righteousness.)  Then ACCEPT the flow of acceptance of yourself and of that which you have thought and done, and MOVE OUT as a closer version of My servant, that which you often pray to be (and rightly so!)

You just experienced an example, and you did well.  You have dedicated this hour to Me.  You are writing briskly as My Mind flows into yours.  And a car drives up.  It is an interruption.  You do what needs to be done… dress, greet, get eggs, make change… but you return and immediately are open to the continuation of the message… even of the sentence.  You wallowed not in your breaking of the pledge.  You got back and kept it.  That’s My boy!

Yes, I am in and through most of the events of life.  Like the Pope (who is like a part of Me… but so are you) part of Me is a People’s God.  I am less concerned with the sins of people, and more concerned with their relationship to Me.  (Yes, go ahead and write it.)  I would rather have a sex act dedicated to Me than a more correct abstention carried through self righteously.

Hear the priority!  Dedicate your life to Me.  Then you and I together shall make it better than you or I could have done alone.  Jesus is the Christ.  He was the first Christ.  But just as Matthew is no less your son than Bob, so you are, potentially, no less the Christ than Jesus.  (You remember, dimly, my servant Joyce proclaiming this years ago and being scorned… by some of My other servants.  It isn’t easy having such a variety of progeny.  You think you have it hard!)

One of the characteristics of Jesus was his acceptance that the things he said and did were of Me… or were offered to Me.  He had no guilt or shame about His actions.  The difference is that you have not fully accepted the Christhood I offer.  Yet (and I shall be positive) you are aware of this Truth (which many are not) and you appreciate the possibility.

Yes, I shall challenge you to translate this into an approach with Matthew.  It is better that he be with you, now, than with My servants Michael and Wendy.  They need to grow in some other ways.  And you need to grow in the application of this Truth of which We have talked today.  Matthew shall be a help in this growth.

October 6, 1979, 8:58 AM

You have heard Me right, o son, for these are the words with which I commence this day.  You believe in positive health, and you are doing fairly well in teaching this way, but your personal mind and spirit… these often surprise Me.  You still have too much guilt and shame laid on yourself.  You, like many of your fellow Christians, find it hard to accept My grace… to start fresh, washed white as fresh snow.  You just cannot think and act positively if you are burdened by lingering feelings of  What if…? and . . .

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