Feel The Change In “Pace”

THURS., MAR. 2, 1995, 2:35 PM

It is an interesting time in the life cycle for you, and I am pleased to be actively helping you along this path. Some might consider this strange that I say, directly, that I am pleased with Our relationship. Shouldn’t I, as a part, and also as the Whole, of the Triune Godhead (the only One there is!) require more awe from you? Can I really relate to you as a helpful friend? As Jesus I had special friends, “official” disciples and those “unofficial.” As Holy Spirit I am not limited in how I relate… to humanity, to churches, and, even, to individuals.

You were ready for this friendship, but you didn’t know you were. I chose you, and, with only a little effort on My part, you responded positively. And you have listened to Me and related in other ways for nearly 16 years. This isn’t a great length of time, in relation to My interaction with this earth, but it is, now, nearly a quarter of your life thus far. And I want it to continue.

The “pace” of your life is slowing, as it should. You still are enjoying your teaching and the contacts with students, but I’m also beginning to urge you to think about the change from this. You’ve given this some consideration, and you don’t relish the loss of this fine office. It is a pleasant place, and I have given you some good Teachings here. It will be an important loss, but I shall continue to urge you to look ahead to the positives instead of back to what you will have lost. You have a fine study in your home, and it could be made even more pleasant and functional.

I still will not tell you how much longer your life will be. I know, of course, but I still consider it best if you have to wonder. You would like to pace yourself ideally in your remaining years, achieving the best balance between continuing your faculty ( 3:00 / 3:14 ) duties and opportunities (like the one you just had with Yasuko) and moving to a less demanding “pace,” giving more attention to Me and to these Teachings.

You feel rather certain that you will not complete the papers I have requested in this active pace of life. But when you move into emeritus status you would have the time and the energy, and these could be completed then. You plan to give more time to the Farm… better care of your place… a more productive garden for the growing season… more fishing… It will be important not to become involved in activities that are not of interest and not important to you. You think it might be easier if you knew how long you would be physically and mentally functional, as well as how many years till you pass on over. Well, for now you’ll just have to “wing it.”

I’m disappointed that you’re not writing letters as you should… and I do want you to have this as a Lenten task. Being alone this next week you should be able to write several of these over-due missives, helping you to feel better as well as satisfying Me. Be advised that it is time for a belated “Christmas” letter, one you’ve thought about for at least a month. Letter writing will be one of the “bridges” from this present teaching life to the one called retirement. You know your letters are appreciated when you do write. This is so much more important than other ways you use time.

Your resolve to give as little attention to what I’ve called “imperfections” is commendable. You should need little complex medical care. Accept a few aches and pains and keep your positive feelings about your life, in its many facets.

THURS., MAR. 2, 1995, 2:35 PM

It is an interesting time in the life cycle for you, and I am pleased to be actively helping you along this path. Some might consider this strange that I say, directly, that I am pleased with Our relationship. Shouldn’t I, as a part, and also as the Whole, of the Triune Godhead (the only One there is!) require more awe from you? Can I really relate to you as a helpful friend? As Jesus I had special friends, “official” disciples and those “unofficial.” As Holy Spirit I am . . .

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