Feel The Lord’s Presence

APR. 3, 1981, 5:42 AM

Welcome back to this time of teaching… of interrelationship with Me, the Holy Spirit. You are here, o son, because it is time. You felt the pull to come, you awakened in time, and now you feel the Lord’s presence as your pen moves. In what other ways have you had the feeling of the Lord’s being in your midst. Some review is due.

You knew, even at the time, that your meeting with Ted Okita was no accident. Still, you are not mature enough yet to feel this fully at the time. You are getting close, and these reflections can be that necessary stimulus to awareness. You had the necessary talk with Ted, and the judgement was not one of potential recovery. You could feel your spirit “processing” this information, the result being a curious sense of exaltation. It is ridiculous, of course, to feel that way about a permanent disability. You should deny, or be angry, or be depressed. But I remind you again that I have given you a modus operandi for this condition. You can accept defeat in relation to a worked-for full recovery because you have Spirit-given alternatives.

You still should be praying for recovery. Your prayers are typically open and of the Thy Will Be Done conclusion. I urge you to this direct, no-nonsense prayer for healing. Practice your belief that I can heal. Don’t cloud it with quick, pragmatic evaluation. Pray… and fervently. Feel My Presence as you speak boldly. The request is legitimate. Make it. It is a fine exercise in spirit. Stretch and strengthen your spirit in ways comparable to the exercise of your muscles.

At the same time you can seek other therapeutic means. And so I brought you in contact with Michael Lutan. His approach to healing is a gift from Me, and he uses it well. I shall not say, of course, whether or not it shall benefit your back and leg, but I can guarantee it will benefit your spirit. Feel My Presence as those sessions approach, and even more fully as they occur. Believe in their efficacy. Cultivate a mood of healing. I shall be present in the midst of it. Expect positive results.

Still, as you parted from Ted you also felt a strange exaltation that the disability was not to be removed. The principle, again: whenever you lose something of earthly value, you gain, potentially, in spiritual value. Just as Peter’s death was an opportunity for growth of spirit and for growth in capacity to teach about this crucial area of life, so can this partial death be likewise. Let each disappointment in lack of apparent progress toward recovery be a stimulus to your spirit to shine forth in another manifestation of health. You can be totally healthier because you have this disability, if you feel My Presence in it. Don’t fake it. Just manifest what you and I together can generate genuinely.

APR. 3, 1981, 5:42 AM

Welcome back to this time of teaching… of interrelationship with Me, the Holy Spirit. You are here, o son, because it is time. You felt the pull to come, you awakened in time, and now you feel the Lord’s presence as your pen moves. In what other ways have you had the feeling of the Lord’s being in your midst. Some review is due.

You knew, even at the time, that your meeting with Ted Okita was no accident. Still, you are not mature enough yet to feel this . . .

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