Feeling The Spirit

SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1981, 5:52 AM

You do not have a clear sense of what I want you to hear this morning, o son, but you have gotten this glimpse, suggested by the title above. You know, by now, that it is not My style with you to be harshly critical. From one with positive motivations, generally, I get more of what I want through praise rather than through criticism. Still, if I need to remind you of some shortcoming… then I must do it… keeping a balance with the “positive strokes.”

You are aware that too often, lately, you are responding in situations with words and attitudes that are appropriate, even desirable… but these do not represent your true feelings. Why, with this special relationship with Me in place and functioning well, should you not be feeling the interaction of spirits that is the basis for true joyous reaction? You realize that this is not something I can “fix”, with a command. You are holding back your spirit, keeping it in reserve… “saving” it for important times. But it, like unto love, is not kept healthy by restraint, but needs constant true exercise for growth and development. You are holding your spirit in check too much… and then when the leash is released the response is restrained. You know how you should feel, but your fettered spirit does not bring forth the genuine responses.

Let’s analyze this. I have said that there is no instant remedy, but more long term changes in your life can be considered. Priorities. I have preached to you before, and here I am again.

You MUST do better at setting priorities… reducing the myriad pulls upon your time and attention. I know this is difficult, and I know that I have told you that many important encounters will come out of situations unexpected. But We both know that the evidence of excess is becoming clearer.

In some ways I know I add opportunities to your life that become, in actuality, burdens. You are a reasonably good Puritan in that you accept what I offer and try to expand your capacities rather than substituting. It shall not be easy, but you must deal with the reality that is you rather than with some idealized saintly self.

SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1981, 5:52 AM

You do not have a clear sense of what I want you to hear this morning, o son, but you have gotten this glimpse, suggested by the title above. You know, by now, that it is not My style with you to be harshly critical. From one with positive motivations, generally, I get more of what I want through praise rather than through criticism. Still, if I need to remind you of some shortcoming… then I must do it... keeping a balance with the “positive strokes.”

You are aware that . . .

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This military opportunity is now coming to a close. It has been an excellent means to some very commendable ends, but it also has stretched you thin and contributed to this condition on which I focus today. Do not seek an immediate substitute. Your income is sufficient now for your needs. Use the time that this now provides in more direct spirit-enhancing ways.

You know that your past has been that of a hard working professional with a fairly large family. Now your family responsibilities are waning, and you can continue your professional competencies without excessive effort. Hear again what I say. You needn’t put so much effort into preparations for classes and presentations. Just do what you feel, dedicate the results to Me, and devote the time saved to the tasks I particularly assign.

You know what I want of you, and the main outcome is that which cannot be “worked at” directly. I want you to be able to react spontaneously and lovingly… and to FEEL, genuinely, the responses and overtures you are showing. You followed My suggestion yesterday and read some of the earlier teachings, and you now know that can be a helpful addition. I won’t assign it, but I do recommend it. You must set as a goal to reduce feelings like those you have now. You are not watching the time, but you are feeling its pressures. You need to finish this and get moving. The pressures now are actual and you must. But the future need not be likewise.

Feel the spirit that is yours and well developed. Feel its interaction with Mine. Then BE what it is your opportunity to be

Amen… with feeling
6:56 AM

SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1981, 5:52 AM

You do not have a clear sense of what I want you to hear this morning, o son, but you have gotten this glimpse, suggested by the title above. You know, by now, that it is not My style with you to be harshly critical. From one with positive motivations, generally, I get more of what I want through praise rather than through criticism. Still, if I need to remind you of some shortcoming… then I must do it... keeping a balance with the “positive strokes.”

You are aware that . . .

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