Feeling The Spirit

OCT. 22, 1981, 9:12 AM

You have returned, o son, after an absence from this meditation and much activity, of both a personal and professional nature. And here you are, on your way to another opportunity, with time here that you knew I could share with you. You felt My presence within this time period, and you are here to learn. Good. You are mature enough in this meditative practice to feel either My invitation to you or your own need for this “brand” of enlightenment… or both. You also are aware, by now, that the only repetition is purposeful for learning’s sake. You should have no fear that I shall “run out of” teaching/learning material.

As you move more in the direction of introducing the spirit concept to your health field you will be asked, increasingly, about validation of it. How can one recognize it? What is genuine and what is not? Are there ways to measure “it” or does it always remain in the realm of feeling?

In the future I shall guide you toward some approaches to measurement, but My emphasis today is on the importance of feeling. Feeling and measurement are not opposites so much as they are complements. Together they offer the fullest opportunity of “knowing about” spirit. Still… feeling comes first.

In some cultures, that you would, rightly, call primitive, feeling is more valued than knowledge, because there truly is not a great deal to know. (More accurately, what there is to know remains fairly constant, so it can be learned and retained, without unlearning and relearning… and feelings can be exercised more lavishly.)

Knowledge about spirit is important, so let Us review that, briefly. The spirit in you and in each person is that aspect of self that is the link with all of your past existence, that which moves on after bodily death, and that seeks relationship with other spirits, those incarnate and, sometimes, those not. Your spirit is aware of Me, the Holy, Ultimate Spirit. That awareness goes from the barely perceptible to rather full knowledge, and appreciation of, and full communion with Me. Spirit is responsible for purpose in life, particularly that which goes beyond the mundane and the necessary… to the selfless and the sacrificial motivations and actions. Spirit is responsible for an integrating of life’s experiences, so that you experience growth no matter what the circumstance.

Now you are having the experience of feeling spirit as I reteach you about spirit. You hear this, but you also feel it. Your pen moves faster. It is more than just acquisition of knowledge. It is feeling for reality and for what this means in your life… and of how it links you in incredible ways to others who also feel spirit in their lives.

When you feel spirit… and My Spirit… most fully you are most able to communicate matters spiritual to others… and be receptive to evidences of spirit from them. Feeling spirit is partly a matter of spiritual maturity, partly a present learning process, and partly a matter of being open and receptive to the interplay of spirits.

This is experienced most readily with others in direct face-to-face interchanges, and you certainly have had some of these in the last week… and did not develop opportunities for others. You also know that this feeling for spirit comes in letters, and you have several important responses to write. Be aware that as you read, as you write, even as you day dream the opportunities for feeling spirit are everpresent.

At this time do not try overhard for such experiences, but know that as you have them, the next ones come more readily and easily. As you finish out your career you will be quite able as a feeler of spirit, and you shall be of increasing help to students… and colleagues… in developing this capability. It shall be increasingly a part of everything you do. It shall be your challenge to feel spirit even in those situations and interactions where it seems lacking. Be aware. Appreciate. Grow. Learn. Teach. Learn from that… and from Me.

So let it be.
10:09 AM