Female Spirit

FRI., SEPT. 21, 1990, 6:04 AM

Spirit is the essence of each human person. Yet I have created them male and female, and thus there is some slight “gender difference” in spirits as they are manifested. Your special task tomorrow is to speak about spirit with a group that shall be largely to totally female. Heed, then, My thoughts about this opportunity.

Fundamentally spirit has no gender. Some spirits that enter human bodies are rather well developed and have been in human form before, often as both male and female. Others, equally developed, have been only in non-incarnated form… such as an angel or a spirit guide… where gender is of no consequence. Other spirits are relatively “new” or undeveloped and hence their development is in a man or a woman.

There are a few generalizations about spirit and human gender. Males tend to be larger, more muscular, and, hence, physically stronger. Hence, in most human cultures males have had the more dominant roles and have wielded more obvious power than females. This generally means more responsibility, so male spirits have had to meet such challenges. Spirits can progress or can regress when part of a person with much power and authority. Most human cultures go to war periodically, and hence, to be successful the men must have a fighting, combative spirit and the willingness to give their earth lives for their comrades, for their families “back home,” or for the future of their homeland.

Females are those who conceive, become pregnant, and give birth to babies. Babies and young children need loving care to develop as functional humans who also can love, and this has been the traditional female role. Obviously this cannot be done well without a spirit that guides loving action. Spirit is the major factor in the success of a pregnancy and birth. Spirit is the key to success in being a mother and the means to spirit development in children.

In your culture there is a blurring of these generalized differences. Males have more encouragement to be gentle. Some females shall never bear children or have this special nurturing role. Females are now competing in all sports except those with extreme body contact. Females have been and will be in armed combat. Thus, for a female to be a successful competitive athlete and then a winning coach she must have a spirit that would, traditionally, been in a male body. This is a special challenge to a spirit – to be the essence of a female who must be aggressive, competitive, and tough… and yet must still be gentle, loving, and nurturing.

Spirits that are the most successful in guiding the “modern American woman” to a good sense of self are most often those that have had “experience” as both male and female. But since every human spirit has come, originally, from Me there is a natural capacity to do well as either male or female. I, the Holy Spirit, could be called sexless or asexual, but more truly I am fully female and fully male. I am all that any spirit should be. As Jesus I was in male form, which was appropriate to that Jewish culture. Yet in spirit I was fully female as well as male. I was as much a model for women as for men.

Spirit’s main functions are to unify the various dimensions in a person’s health, so that there is a strong sense of self and of purpose AND to keep reminding the person to be more concerned with others than with self. With the blurring of gender roles it is more difficult to accomplish such “tasks” in American females, but with this challenge can come more growth… and more regression.

FRI., SEPT. 21, 1990, 6:04 AM

Spirit is the essence of each human person. Yet I have created them male and female, and thus there is some slight “gender difference” in spirits as they are manifested. Your special task tomorrow is to speak about spirit with a group that shall be largely to totally female. Heed, then, My thoughts about this opportunity.

Fundamentally spirit has no gender. Some spirits that enter human bodies are rather well developed and have been in human form before, often as both male and female. Others, equally developed, have been only in . . .

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