
FRI., MAY 6, 1982, 5:15 AM

My Scriptures do not give much specific guidance on the financial aspects of life. Or, more truly, what is written is overshadowed by other, more important, themes. The society and the time that you live in, o son, is one of financial complexity, and I have some words of teaching that shall complement the Scriptures this day. Hear… in order that you might function more effectively and comfortably where you are in this earth life.

The most important understanding is that matters financial are also matters spiritual. This relationship is often not obvious. Even when you know this you often forget it as a situation develops, and you miss the spiritual dimension in the happening… perhaps even later.

The essence of the spiritual nature of finances is that… all that you have comes from Me… I shall take care of your needs… give to others rather than accumulating for self… times of financial crisis are times of potential spiritual growth.

“All that you have, in money and in goods and properties, is Mine and are gifts for your use.” You believe this in your heart and spirit… the statement is not an utterly surprising one. Yet you must admit that truly considering this is not a very frequent experience for you. It is as if I am limited in My influence and spheres, and when you get to writing checks and balancing bills I am an uninvolved outsider. This is one of the illusions of earth life. The reality is that I am a part of every human activity. Consider this truth as you center yourself in meeting financial obligations next. Challenge yourself to remember this and consider that you are doing “My business” as well as your own.

“I shall take care of your needs”. You accept the fact that I am involved in your life. I come to you in these morning hours, and I teach you. I guide you and enlighten you during your times of activity and of contemplation. And part of My involvement is the assurance that I shall take care of the real needs that you have. I do this in essentially natural, logical ways. Yet you do recall that once, last year, you received a completely unexpected check, which never was logically due. Occasionally I act in this way… but not often. Yet hold the faith that I am fully aware of what you need, and this you shall be given. You shall not have abundance. You shall always be “close to the edge”. But fear not, for I shall always provide a means and a way.

“Give to others rather than accumulating for self”. This follows the previous truth. One of the fundamental reasons that you shall not have obvious abundance is that you must give to others. You were reminded yesterday of how much you have given to John Patrick this past year. This is an opportunity at this time. Have faith that it will help him to a productive and yet spiritual life. Give to the Church, My Body. Do not consider overlong the nature and needs of the local congregation. Give to Me in faith… and in response to what I have given to you. Give to other causes as I bring them to your attention. You cannot give to all, so you must decide. Seek My help, but generally I shall leave this to you. If you miss an opportunity, it shall be yours again, if it is important.

FRI., MAY 6, 1982, 5:15 AM

My Scriptures do not give much specific guidance on the financial aspects of life. Or, more truly, what is written is overshadowed by other, more important, themes. The society and the time that you live in, o son, is one of financial complexity, and I have some words of teaching that shall complement the Scriptures this day. Hear… in order that you might function more effectively and comfortably where you are in this earth life.

The most important understanding is that matters financial are also matters spiritual. This relationship is often . . .

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