Fire And Water

SUN., APR. 10, 1988, 7:54 AM

Your mind has whirled and swirled this morning, making you unable to settle into this meditation mode. Fortunately this time of inattention comes as the convention experience is just about over, and you are not as pressed for time. Hear, o son, now that We have made contact.

Fire and water are opposite necessities in this physical earth. Justice and mercy are opposite necessities in the realm of spirit. Accept this as another lesson, one of many, in the balancing of things, forces, and choices that seem to be opposites. Life in all of its components is a balancing and rebalancing process. So I choose fire and water as the symbols for this truth.

Fire gives warmth when temperatures are too cool. Fire cooks food. Fire makes machines run, and creates the electricity which makes the modern world possible. There is much that basic fire and all of its refinements do to make it possible for humans to live in diverse places with some comfort.

Yet fire is a great destroyer. Fire “feeds on itself” so that as a fire heats up it burns with great intensity. The projected result of a nuclear attack would be firestorms, with heat so intense that virtually everything burns.

The antidote to fire is water. Water cools in contrast to the heat of an unwanted fire. Wet wood does not burn well. Even dampness hinders the capacity for fire to get started and continue.

Yet you soon will enjoy hot water in your shower. The water which cleanses is most comfortable when fire has raised its temperature. You like cold water to drink, but then you prefer hot coffee to coffee which is cold. The balancing and interactions of fire and water in your earth life are many indeed.

Though the great focus of human life is on the land I urge you to remember that I created this earth with its surface covered mostly by water. Symbolically, when I destroyed the earth I used water. The Scriptures say that if I should do this again I would use wind and fire – the very forces that symbolized My coming into the earth as Holy Spirit. The great ball of fire which empowers the earth is the sun. The sun creates the wind and also causes the redistribution of water, which makes food and hence life itself possible.

My love has the qualities of both fire and water. It burns, and it cools. It excites, and it moderates. It is expressed both as mercy and as justice, for, often, mercy comes at the expense of justice, and when justice is done for one there is no mercy for another.

When it is cold and rainy, you want fire and warmth in some form (even heated water). When it is hot and dry the cold drink and the refreshing shower are most appreciated. When you feel low and frustrated you need My love in the form of warmth and consolation… even energy. When you are proud and unappreciative and forgetful of Me you need My love in the form of harsh intervention… even some event that, with pain, causes you to remember your Source, that all things come from Me, and that the purpose of life is loving, humble service, to Me and to others.

SUN., APR. 10, 1988, 7:54 AM

Your mind has whirled and swirled this morning, making you unable to settle into this meditation mode. Fortunately this time of inattention comes as the convention experience is just about over, and you are not as pressed for time. Hear, o son, now that We have made contact.

Fire and water are opposite necessities in this physical earth. Justice and mercy are opposite necessities in the realm of spirit. Accept this as another lesson, one of many, in the balancing of things, forces, and choices that seem to be opposites . . .

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