First Things

SEPT. 16, 1980, 1:52 PM

You feel that I have some words of admonishment, o son, so I shall offer some. Still, I am not unhappy with how your life is proceeding, so I shall spice the admonishments with some encouragements. Today you are being harder on yourself than you need be.

One of the ongoing aspects of day-to-day life is the establishment of first things. This meditation is a first thing, and each day in which you include it is a better one. Starting the day off with a writing session is the best rhythm. Do so whenever you can.

For most days another first thing is some planning… what shall be included and in what order? What amount of time is to be allotted for what activities? This helps to keep first things first. Note that I said “for most days”, however. There should be some days in which one of the first things it to act spontaneously and reactively… do whatever you feel like and respond to things that happen to you, without guilt or frustration. Such days are part of a healthy life rhythm. You don’t really have enough of these, o son.

This study of Ours is a first thing. Within that context some planning is necessary. You should do this during these two days. It should not be a plan that stifles you or is the basis for guilt, but a help to accomplishing what should be accomplished. Set it down in one of your little books when you get back together with them.

Another first thing in your own life is the spiritual dimension. You need to become more conscious of it… overdo the attention to it for now… in order that this perspective might become more “automatic” and “natural” for you. Be aware of the spirit in other persons, in groups, and in the physical world about you. Become attuned during this leave period when teaching pressures are minimal. Keep one of your little books as a kind of diary or journal so that you can reflect upon experiences, reactions, and impressions.

Still another first thing is honesty and forthrightness with yourself and others… and with Me. It is acceptable for you to have aspects of life that are relatively unrelated to each other, but resist temptations to become devious and dishonest in relations.

SEPT. 16, 1980, 1:52 PM

You feel that I have some words of admonishment, o son, so I shall offer some. Still, I am not unhappy with how your life is proceeding, so I shall spice the admonishments with some encouragements. Today you are being harder on yourself than you need be.

One of the ongoing aspects of day-to-day life is the establishment of first things. This meditation is a first thing, and each day in which you include it is a better one. Starting the day off with a . . .

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