First Things First

FRI., JUNE 12, 1987, 6:42 AM

I am pleased that you are here for some help with life, guidance from both Above and Within. I am not pleased with your allocation of the spiritual as yesterday unfolded. You heard some rather specific words from Me about the preeminence of spirit in what you were to do, but your inclusion of this was, well, below average. Having offered you this bit of criticism I’ll revert to My more positive nature and try again to have you put first things first.

I feel your feelings of repentance and of “why can’t I do what I know is right to do?” Remember My fine servant Paul and the difficulties even he had… sufficient to include in a letter which became Holy Scripture. Spiritual development helps. Spiritual awareness helps. But when you are in the earth the reality of physical events dominates, and the rational mind calls for attention. Your spirit is seeking balance,
6:55 / 7:00
but I called for more consideration of spirit, and I didn’t “get what I ordered.”

Now understand (and you do, I know) that that nature of the activity is of very little importance. It’s the spirit that is in the activity and it is your awareness and appreciation of spirit as a component which is the “first thing” which I like first. Let’s start with the positive. You did call Anajean and arranged a get-together, and you even went over your spiritual story, considering that you may have the chance to share it with her. You know that you can arrange this sharing if you will. Don’t let the opportunity get by. You did ask, in one conversation, about the spiritual places of the Hamamoto children. You could have pursued that further, but that was a good start.

You read Paul’s paper, and, with My help, you saw some interesting parallels with these Teachings and with your view of the world. You can work these out and write to him, which could be a spiritual opening. If it isn’t for him, it still could be for you.

You appreciated the beauty and the non-beauty of this place as you walked in the afternoon sunshine, but there was little thought of My influence on this environment. Feel the spirit that makes for real beauty. You did the thoughtful act of getting the leis for the incoming family, but you missed the opportunity to see this as a spiritual act. A near miss. Close, but no cigar.

There were choices for uses of time, and you chose the intellectual rather than the spiritual. Lenore gave you the opportunity of telling her about the spiritual nature of this time in this new, old place, and you blatantly passed it up. This evokes another direction from Me – sometime at the end of each day read all of the Teachings for this week, so you truly are aware of what I have given to you. You are here, responding positively to this early-in-the-day challenge, so I know that you are wanting to incorporate these shrogs of advice into your life.

FRI., JUNE 12, 1987, 6:42 AM

I am pleased that you are here for some help with life, guidance from both Above and Within. I am not pleased with your allocation of the spiritual as yesterday unfolded. You heard some rather specific words from Me about the preeminence of spirit in what you were to do, but your inclusion of this was, well, below average. Having offered you this bit of criticism I’ll revert to My more positive nature and try again to have you put first things first.

I feel your feelings of . . .

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