
MAY 28, 1979, 6:20 AM

This word beginneth the day, and it is another instance in which I have no context or no meaning. It represents an act of faith, for it seems unlikely that pages of useful writing can ensue, with “floundering” as a theme. Am I floundering or are others floundering? Does the word apply to me or to others… or to both?

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

O son, you have responded in faith. I have given you this word as a test… as a call to obedience. You now consider yourself strong and somewhat privileged. “The Lord is talking to me”, you say. You try to remain humble, but pride creepeth. (And this is OK; this is part of the rhythm.) You still await cathedral phrases and meteoric ideas. You want to be flying, not floundering.

And in one sense you are not floundering. You are responding to My voice, and you are being relatively faithful. But I purpose that you communicate great and large truths to people, most of whom do not communicate with Me, most of whom are floundering in a lack of cosmic direction and purpose. You know, o son, that it is hard to be in communication with someone who is not having your experiences, either less, in intensity, or more.

This is your dilemma: how can you function well in two different planes? How can you hear My voice and learn of things no books or lectures can include and yet still “be real” to those who are floundering in unbelief or in lack of faith? As you proceed in faith you will find it harder to believe that anyone should not step off on this journey. Why moulder in the yard, when a great adventure beckoneth down the path? Yet many have little desire to embark on this journey.

Try not to lose contact with these, for this is the essence of your task. (You know that I both mean and don’t mean “try”; that represents one of the great examples of rhythm.) Be not too holy in appearance. Lose not the common touch. A wandering peasant are you, though underneath you are a noble prince. Do not appear to be too sure. Ask others for their views, and genuinely listen. Use your songs to ever greater advantage, for this approach can reach people and can maintain that “common touch”.

Develop as a man of faith, yet forget not how it is to flounder. Be in touch with Me, yet also with people who cannot act in faith. You see My dilemma in guiding you. If I bring you too rapidly or too far into My sphere you shall lose the capacity and the desire to relate to the mortals whom I purpose for you. (And worry not that you will be completely unsuccessful; many will move toward Me with more comfort because of you.) Still you are not to be a “holy man”. I have many of these, and they are a delight to Me. But the rhythm of being God requires all kinds of servants. And there are others like you, and you shall be in fellowship with them. I leave you not alone, certainly.

But, verily, if you are not truly floundering in some respects, you will lose the contact with those who are. The truth is simple, but the application is complex.

MAY 28, 1979, 6:20 AM

This word beginneth the day, and it is another instance in which I have no context or no meaning. It represents an act of faith, for it seems unlikely that pages of useful writing can ensue, with “floundering” as a theme. Am I floundering or are others floundering? Does the word apply to me or to others… or to both?

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

O son, you have responded in faith. I have given you this word as a test… as a . . .

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