Follow Me

OCT. 12, 1980, 6:17 AM

You were just a bit surprised, o son, when you heard the words to that fairly familiar song as My invitation to you. Do you think such things happen just by chance? Of course they do. And yet… Oh, you know the answer by this time. You are following Me, and We are sharing Our lives, so My influence is everpresent. You could purposefully withdraw from Me… or I might withdraw for some time of testing… but, generally, you can count on My being involved in many aspects of your day-today life.

Follow Me. It is written and sung as a love song, and this is what I would have it continue to be. As we talked about yesterday, love is the essence of spiritual relationship. I love you as a human entity, and I want you to follow Me.

All right, let’s talk about this act of loving, with which you have some difficulty as a father. You are bothered, somewhat strangely, by My statement that I love you as a human entity, for this seems to imply that I love you more than others… because I have established this communication and because I do say it to you. (Others could say, “Well, the Holy Spirit never told me that He loves me!”) Over the years you have had some troubled times in considering that you feel more love for one son than for another… or that the love feeling does not seem to come out even. This can be a dilemma, but let Me tell you with assurance that the answer is not in withholding love to some minimal level so that it will be equal. Love generates from love. The love of a son and the expression of that love may be, for a time, greater and more obvious than for another. But love increases with expression, and soon the love for the other(s) comesup to the most loved, rather than sinking down to the level of the least. You have to trust that this is so.

As Jesus I felt and expressed more love, at times, for certain disciples than for others. Yet when Judas went forth to betray Me I felt a great love for him, and he could feel it engulfing him. He did what he planned, but then he could not continue living with the betrayal of that love. (It has been worked out now, by the way.)

OCT. 12, 1980, 6:17 AM

You were just a bit surprised, o son, when you heard the words to that fairly familiar song as My invitation to you. Do you think such things happen just by chance? Of course they do. And yet… Oh, you know the answer by this time. You are following Me, and We are sharing Our lives, so My influence is everpresent. You could purposefully withdraw from Me… or I might withdraw for some time of testing… but, generally, you can count on My being involved in many aspects of your day . . .

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