Follow Me

FRI., APR. 18, 1986, 5:53 AM

The words to Our special song came back to you yesterday, and so, o son, as you return to these Teachings after a time away, hear as I use this as the basis for this morning’s meditation. You do need some reinforcement of the admonition. It is a gentle command as the way of life that must be yours.

“Follow Me” is based on the Truth that there is a Me and that I can make Myself known to you. You can measure and peruse the volumes that represent your faith that this is so. You cannot prove it to anyone who doubts or disbelieves, but that is not your responsibility. You have the continuous opportunity of hearing Me, and then you can share what you hear with others. Those who hear with an open mind and spirit are those who shall benefit. It is not your task (and this should gladden your heart!) to seek others and pull them to our way. That is Mine, and I am doing it. For some I need you, and I need you openly following Me.

You know that I come to you in love, the most real love that exists. You have some capacities to love. A part of these are yours… from a loving spirit that has been developing in realms several. These capacities are still limited, but I offer you My hand which taps you in directly to My love and increases your total potential greatly. The closer you are to Me, the more easily and fully you can love… others, your work, your land, your life (which shall extend far beyond this earthly sojourn).

I also come to you as a teacher, and you can benefit directly from My Teachings. I can tell you of ways you can be a better teacher, but mainly the improvement comes in your assimilation of My offerings and then applying them in your own way. You need to be more like yourself than some “perfect model” that everyone who follows Me must be. I want you to be an extension of Me, but in the person that is you.

I have had much, much experience in calling people to follow Me. Some calls may not seem to be successful, but all are, to some degree. No one is ever the same after I call. You talked to Nancy at some length, and you properly shared some of the experience you’ve had with Me… with her. This was a wonderful opportunity, and you did it well. She is being called, and each task that she is given and that accepts is a means to the further growth that shall make her a more effective instrument. She, too, must continue to be herself rather than some more perfect model. She is unique and can accomplish thing you cannot. Following Me, even when I have not yet made the way clear, is the key motivation and behavior.

“Of what this life doth mean”… this is an important clue to one major task of yours. You cannot give people, particularly young people, the meaning of life, for each must walk this lonesome valley and discover or develop it for self. Still, you can share your story, just as your story. Even those who will seem to reject your way will be moved in some ways to seek their own version of Follow Me. When students write the papers that they do, you must accept that you are having some effect which is beyond the obvious. Yet this must be of minor importance to you. Just continue to discern the meaning of life and let others know in myriad ways. And leave the results to Me.

FRI., APR. 18, 1986, 5:53 AM

The words to Our special song came back to you yesterday, and so, o son, as you return to these Teachings after a time away, hear as I use this as the basis for this morning’s meditation. You do need some reinforcement of the admonition. It is a gentle command as the way of life that must be yours.

“Follow Me” is based on the Truth that there is a Me and that I can make Myself known to you. You can measure and peruse the volumes that represent your . . .

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