Follow Me (II)

MAR. 28, 1982, 6:42 AM

You have followed My encouragement, o son, and completed the Ruminations. I am pleased with the result, and I further encourage you to complete the task and get it mailed out as quickly as possible. You have the next one in mind, and I won’t press you on that yet, but I want you to try to squeeze it in somewhere before summer. Eventually I want you to put out four issues a year, but I would like three this year. The Health Education book is important, however, and that shall be your major project now. Get to that with a fervor, but neglect not these sessions either. If you are going to follow Me, you need up-to-date directions, and that is what these teachings provide. You must be faithful in this special way.

You know the concept, o son, that a leader is perceived differently by different followers, and unless the setting is a very rigid and regimented one, those who look to one as a model do so for different reasons. Some of those who follow Me as One who demands much inhibition of thought and behavior are being true to an aspect of Me, and are following My call truly. (Others who behave in like fashion do so for satisfaction of their own egos, or for the apparent power this position gives over others.) There is no way to tell, easily, which is which.

Your call is not to inhibited behavior that would mark you “Christian” in an overt, stylized sense. You are not called as some irresponsible libertine either, but the rhythm is to be toward freedom to be loving and expressive in all of life’s situations. I have said it repeatedly, and I shall continue: don’t try to be somebody good and holy… just be who you are in each life situation, familiar and new, expected and unexpected, with your hand in Mine. If all that you do is done for Me and dedicated to Me, consciously or with spirit, then you are following the Me that I desire you to follow.

It is obvious that you have an influence on a small group who shall follow Me in ways that you help provide. This is your task. It is not a mission that shall attract much wide attention, but I shall keep reassuring you that it is an important one to Me. And that is the bottom line.

As you talk about your relationship to Me, you shall continue to equivocate and waffle, but in this Ruminations publication you shall be out-front about My being the Holy Spirit, and you shall choose quotations which shall reinforce this concept mightily. Likewise, in some other writings you shall not be a clear advocate of Me, and, remember, your mission station is to be solidly in your field, so that balance is a critical one.

The basic message this morning is that I desire and need a range of followers. Some testify best if their lives are changed completely in their conversion… that they can speak honestly and dramatically about how life now is different from life “then”. But with you it is more a matter of you following Me through My following you. I don’t want to change you. I want to use you as you have developed. I want you to do what you do for Me and dedicate your actions and thoughts to Me, whatever they may be. Don’t just bring your clean, good side for Me to admire, feeling guilty about what you must withhold as unworthy. Bring everything. Let Me use you as you. I have plenty of paragons… and I love these righteous folk. But I love you, too, as you are and as you can be of most service to Me.

MAR. 28, 1982, 6:42 AM

You have followed My encouragement, o son, and completed the Ruminations. I am pleased with the result, and I further encourage you to complete the task and get it mailed out as quickly as possible. You have the next one in mind, and I won’t press you on that yet, but I want you to try to squeeze it in somewhere before summer. Eventually I want you to put out four issues a year, but I would like three this year. The Health Education book is important, however, and that . . .

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