Follow Me… Still

SUN., APR. 10, 1983, 6:52 AM

You are here, o son, availing yourself of My teaching power on this day of your presentation. You knew you needed to be in this relationship at least once during this convention, but you have elected to do other things. I could chastise you for your lack of commitment, but instead I shall welcome you and forgive you for your shortcomings.

You know, o son, that your fundamental task/opportunity in life is, simply, to follow Me. You are living a human life in a pleasant, challenging situation. You have some talents, some strengths, some virtues, but you are not an outstanding leader in your world. Do not disparage yourself, but be cautious in over-valuing what you accomplish. How can you make these tricky judgments in day-to-day life? Simple. Just follow Me.

Never back away because you have behaved in some way that could be displeasing to Me. Those are the moments when you need Me most and when you should be most open to My teaching and influence. Know that sometimes I even influence a situation so that it seems to turn out in ways that cause you distress… so that you are motivated to turn to me. I don’t want to direct you like unto a robot, but I do want you doing whatever you do with your hand in Mine.

The psalmist wrote, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me… That is truth. Whatever path you are following I am with you. But it is better when you acknowledge Me… even go in directions I would suggest.

You know that life is a continuous journey. The journey is “over” when you fully realize that you are part of Me and of all creation. There is no short-cut to that realization, and no “one path” to it. It is of no consequence to try to discern “how far along you are.” Is the path linear? or is it circular? Those are unimportant questions.

Any life in the earth has potential for spiritual growth. The one you are in has great possibilities… for your own growth and for the growth of others who are attracted to you. Some of those who come into your realm of life are true seekers, and you may help them along the way, even some who shall go on paths different from yours. Others are much more at your level, and interchanges shall be mutually beneficial. And a few shall be advanced in spirit and shall be, in effect, manifestations of Me for your growth and benefit. Just know that this shall happen from time to time… and the person shall not be clad in a seamless white robe with halo properly placed. Just be appropriately aware.

And, lo, I am with you always… an important truth. Some could be frightened and distressed at such a truth. Yet this is troublesome only when one’s perception of Me is as one fundamentally judgmental. The basic goal is growth, and if judgment and condemnation are ways to this growth then I shall use them. These do work well with some, but are counterproductive with others. I know this and work accordingly.

SUN., APR. 10, 1983, 6:52 AM

You are here, o son, availing yourself of My teaching power on this day of your presentation. You knew you needed to be in this relationship at least once during this convention, but you have elected to do other things. I could chastise you for your lack of commitment, but instead I shall welcome you and forgive you for your shortcomings.

You know, o son, that your fundamental task/opportunity in life is, simply, to follow Me. You are living a human life in a pleasant, challenging situation. You have . . .

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