Following My Way

MAY 21, 1980, 6:08 AM

Yesterday was a delight in two ways, o son, and you were almost fully aware of them both. Your conversation with Joyce was a true sharing, and your conscious efforts to remember so that you could share with Lenore later was commendable. You shared with Joyce your present convictions as I had helped you develop. In turn she expressed her present position and also the beliefs and practices of Bob, her partner. This interchange can be helpful to her… and to you. And it is one of the important essences of spirit. My teachings become a means to explore the development of spirit within one and another. They are of value in and of themselves, but they also are this other means.

Yes, Joyce is one of your most compatible spiritual friends. You have known this for some time in a vague way, but now you know it with brightness and assurity. Keep in touch with her. Some teachings will need to be shared with her by mail. You shall be helps to each other.

You learned this, and your life was enriched, through following My Way. You are beginning to see how exciting and satisfying this following can be. What you did in the morning raised the power and presence of your spirit, so that even in a rather mundane encounter, with Chris and Rene, it was still in evidence. They appreciated you more fully there because of the “after-effect” of the sharing with Joyce.

This is an important principle. All of your encounters in a day or a week will not be “spirit-filled” ones… or let’s say that the spiritual quality of events will vary greatly. Still, because you have a sharing that is of high quality there is an “after-glow” which truly changes other later encounters and can “bestow upon them” a higher quality.

However, there was a humbling experience (that I arranged) among those of yesterday… among the diamonds there was a granite pebble. Your Mother tried to share with you, and you were not receptive. Her style does “drive you crazy” but she is a good servant, and she certainly does share… you have to admit that! Yet you do not respond. You harden your heart. You share little, in comparison with that which is shared with those of spiritual compatibility. You and your Mother will never be very spiritually close, but if you are to follow My Way you must be willing to listen and willing to contribute in response. This was a vivid example that you cannot limit yourself to those who are pleasant and compatible. You must not be “turned off” by tones of voice and styles of speaking. Following My Way involves encounters like that as well as those of the morning and the evening.

Speaking of the evening… whereas the afternoon was a rather negative, painful learning the evening with the Riddicks was one of your most positive thus far. You expected enthusiastic relationship with Rog and Lib, but that with Ron was unexpected and, in the spirit of that important interchange, it was fun for Me, as well as for you both. Ron is one of My special servants of talent. I may decide to be of help to him through you, now that this relationship has been established. That could be fun. And a friendship between him and Michael would be one of real joy to Me. Try to arrange that… and, yes, I’ll help.

Following My Way is a combination of planned events and relationships and responses to surprises. Some go as you expect them to and some are truly “fresh and new”. You will learn from and contribute to those that you don’t enjoy quite as much as the ones that make your heart sing. However, most of your experiences will be positive.

Expect the best from the time with Mabel and Anthony. Listen to them… as well as tell. I still shall not tell you how it shall be… one of My bits of fun.

You are following Me rather directly now. It shall not always be this intense, but know that you shall never go back to where you were. You are Mine.

7:09 AM