Food From My Earth

WED., FEB. 20, 1985, 12:30 PM

Food is one of the necessities of earth life, and you realize and verbalize (as some do not) that all forms of life are part of that food supply, as well as in need of same. In this sense, life is valued in being given up… a constant reenactment of the sacrifice I offered of Myself as Jesus. So let us talk of food this day, o son.

I have set life here in the earth up to be self-sustaining and continuing. Food is one of the requirements for this, and I have made it in various forms and bountiful, but humans must decide what shall be eaten and what shall not. There also is labor involved, and some skill and knowledge. This experience you are having on your Farm is one I value and want for you. You have learned much already, and you must continue to learn… how life energy should be expended to enable plants to grow and produce food in order that you might function well in your many roles (including the prime one as a servant of Mine).

Yes, the earth where you live, while not the choicest for growing food, is still potentially bountiful. Continue to experiment with encouragement of the growing process. I realize it cannot be a top priority activity, but you can give it more attention this year than in the immediate past. And it is time to begin. I encourage you to put more spirit into your gardening, making it more comparable to your rabbit raising. It takes just more concentration and remembering on your part.

Since life and food are really synonymous, you must see that one creation cannot prevail over all of the other forms of creation as is now happening. Yes, I do value humans more than other creatures, but for the number of humans now alive and reproducing to live well there must be a diminishing of other life forms, as food. The desire to feed can make people less willing to be stewards of this planet, the only one that can sustain human life. As destruction comes the life that should be food is lost, and hence that most valued life, the human, diminishes.

I shall not work miracles when humans have given up earth stewardship, even to sustain and prolong human life. The earth experience is one in which you should learn balance, and the whole matter of food and life is one that teaches this quite well. Since the only growth that is sustainable beyond each earth experience is spiritual you must see, constantly, this relationship between spirit and food/life. Spirit must acknowledge the sacredness of all life… and also the need to be selfless rather than selfish. In times past you would have destroyed the life of that small ant without a thought… except some vague, exaggerated threat to your comfort. Now you allow this creature to live, and the balance of your life is better. Try to see that life taken is still part of the food and life of others. You know that you are wasting manure and ashes. Keep these as a part of the life cycle you work with.

The story of My life as Jesus in the Bible is not one that helps much with the theme of this Teaching. Oh, there was fishing, and that certainly is a taking of life in order that life might be sustained. I could have been a grower of crops, a tender of animals… one more concerned with food. This I was not… and to have been such would have been an interesting variation of My ministry. (You may want to give this some research effort. It is worth your study.)

WED., FEB. 20, 1985, 12:30 PM

Food is one of the necessities of earth life, and you realize and verbalize (as some do not) that all forms of life are part of that food supply, as well as in need of same. In this sense, life is valued in being given up… a constant reenactment of the sacrifice I offered of Myself as Jesus. So let us talk of food this day, o son.

I have set life here in the earth up to be self-sustaining and continuing. Food is one of the requirements . . .

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