For Everything There Is A Season… Again

TUES., DEC. 13, 1983, 5:45 AM

It has been sometime, o son, since you put together the Ruminations that dealt with this Scriptural theme, and you have quoted and used it very little since then. You memorized the “time to’s”, but you have not reviewed them, and so some of them have slipped away from you. This is not what I desire. Bring them back, with just a little practice, so that you can recall them easily.

Why? Because this little book of Ecclesiastes is a legitimate portion of My Scriptures, yet it reflects a way of thinking that I want you to exhibit, as the unique Christian you are. I have said to you, and I say again, that all of My servants are not alike in thought and perception, and even those who are devotedly Christian will show forth a variety of perceptions of the world, and even of My Scriptures. Yes, I deem it good that these Scriptures can be honestly interpreted in many ways.

You did consider, recently, the fundamental of these seasons (or so it seems, in earth life) – “a time to be born and a time to die”. Yes, in truth, there is a time to be born, but this is clearer in retrospect than in prophesy. For some the time of birth is important, while for others it is really immaterial and of no consequence. This is the season for celebrating My birth as Jesus, and virtually everyone in your culture knows that “the day” is the 25th, but you have no way of knowing, for sure, that this was the actual date of birth. And it doesn’t matter, really.

The other part is that with which your culture struggles now – “a time to die”. When is the time to die? Is it when modern medical techniques and technology no longer can prevail? For some this seems to be so. For others the time just seems to come, and life is gone. You can recall several instances in your life when it well could have been “the time”, and yet you survived and continue in earthly life… as you were meant to.

What you must remember, however, is that the time to die is also the time to be born. Birth is a transition, even in earth-body terms, but certainly in spiritual terms. In those same spiritual terms death also is a transition – from one realm of reality to another. If you know this and realize that there is a time for challenge as well as for rest and peace… a time for renewal of relationship as well as the loss of the obvious ones.

In this little sabbatical “project” which I am directing you definitely are feeling that it is time for the present relationship to die and for a new one to be born. If you spend time and energy bemoaning the death you are losing out on the fullness of birth. Still, a balance is desired, for “never look back” is certainly NOT one of My truths. You must look back and remember and savor, but know the reality of the present and the promise and possibilities of the future that always is there in some form.

What is the ultimate future? Reunion and at-oneness with Me… when there no longer is a necessity for maintaining self. There is a time for self and for individuality, but growth is toward the time when that no longer is necessary. Is this a more desirable time? Is death more desirable than birth? Does reality remain distinct, or does it merge?

TUES., DEC. 13, 1983, 5:45 AM

It has been sometime, o son, since you put together the Ruminations that dealt with this Scriptural theme, and you have quoted and used it very little since then. You memorized the “time to’s”, but you have not reviewed them, and so some of them have slipped away from you. This is not what I desire. Bring them back, with just a little practice, so that you can recall them easily.

Why? Because this little book of Ecclesiastes is a legitimate portion of My Scriptures, yet it reflects a . . .

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