
NOV. 3, 1981, 5:50 AM

You remember, o son, a movie in which The Force was a major affector of action. It had destructive powers, along with constructive, and was a force for “good”. Interested in what I have to confide about forces this morning?

Naturally, I am The Force in the earth plane. There are many other forces, but none with near the power and capacity of Almighty God. (When I say “I am the Force” this really means I as Almighty God, not as the teaching, comforting Holy Spirit. Oh, I, the Spirit, have access to force, but it is not part of My nature to use it often or with large displays of power. My force is one of persuasion and influence. That is sufficient for what I normally do.) There are evil forces, but they function with My tacit permission, and can never really match the Force that I command… that I am. Be assured of that.

When you have your hand in Mine you have access to the forces that I can exert. This means that My servants often can report powerful experiences, ranging into the supernatural. A person doesn’t have the strength or the will to do something necessary or important, and, in the moment, he acts with a force that was not formerly his, performing with awe.

Now, granted, non-Christians have such stories too. Some of these still originate in Me, but are unidentified or are given credit through another name. Remember, also, I am not the only force in the earth, and I do not directly control the other forces. Theoretically I could, of course, but then this would no longer be the earth as I designed it.

It began, symbolically, in Eden. There was another force, and they responded to it. I could not applaud and say, “Yea, evil!” but I saw that this was a way to growth. I could create humans fully mature, spiritually, who would acknowledge Me naturally, eternally… and boringly. Or I could create people who would have to grow toward Me, against the power of other forces. I have always remained a force, and I can lean and exert when and where and how and with whom I choose. I can leave you to wake yourself, battling the forces of sleep, lethargy, and “let it be”. Or I can wake you in time to experience this teaching and still have time for your other earthly tasks. (Was it really 6:15 when you first awoke? Did you misread the clock or did I set it back? In this natural world you assume a misreading. I just say to you… never discount My intervention, with you. You need not try to see My force at work supernaturally in all human affairs, but don’t be surprised at My interventions…and, again, I’d rather have you give Me more credit due than less.)

NOV. 3, 1981, 5:50 AM

You remember, o son, a movie in which The Force was a major affector of action. It had destructive powers, along with constructive, and was a force for “good”. Interested in what I have to confide about forces this morning?

Naturally, I am The Force in the earth plane. There are many other forces, but none with near the power and capacity of Almighty God. (When I say “I am the Force” this really means I as Almighty God, not as the teaching, comforting Holy Spirit. Oh, I, the Spirit, have access . . .

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