
MAY 31, 1979, 6:15 AM

I see “forgive” as a pulsating word this morning.

(That first sentence was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

This is true, o son, but so do I, and you could have waiting a moment… I am ready to teach!

Yes, forgive is a pulsating word, meaning that it is a moving, dynamic concept. To forgive takes much and requires; you are “less” because you have forgiven, but, also, wonderfully, you are more. Is it part of rhythm? Verily, it is. Forgiveness is an important part of health. Forgiving and being forgiven is part of the rhythm of being… part of well-being.

To forgive requires strength and endurance (even agility), comparable to a physical task. (This means really to forgive, as Larry must do now; you have not really had such extreme experiences; perhaps you never will.) Yet like unto the physical task, once forgiveness has “been done” the spirit’s capacity to forgive is increased, and you are more able to do it in the future. “Use it or you lose it” is an apt phrase.

You have certain resentments toward John Patrick and Maggie. Forgive them their trespasses and the feelings will be no more needed. Forgiveness is not a magic potion, but, still, it does accomplish some unexpected good… and leaves both the forgiver and the forgiven in a better state of health.

Forgive those editors who criticize your work before you commence any more. Take the time that is necessary today and truly forgive. Draw in the new perspective. You know I purpose for thee to be part of a good, a blessed project, but, remember, o prideful son, that I am even more interested in the process. I look at what you are as you do this task. I want you to grow and be a better, healthier person. I want you to feel the rhythm.

Even though I assist with the writing I purpose that some of it be criticized. This gives you the opportunity to resent and to feel hostile… or to open up to new interpretations. You write well, but far from perfectly. You can criticize well. Can you be forgiven for what you have done to others words… and can you forgive those who challenge yours? This is a challenge. This is the pulsating opportunity.

Don’t forget forgiveness as you speak and write of the spiritual dimension of health. (And it should be the focus for a worthwhile session in Risk-Taking, too). For one of the true fruits of the spirit is true forgiveness. This is beyond just making peace; it is establishing a new spirit of relationship… casting away the envy, the pride, and the resentment and “being new people together”.

You don’t resent much, fortunately. But you also think that you don’t, which makes it difficult for you to admit that you need to forgive. Use this as a measure: how do you feel about ______________, as compared with someone with whom you are truly in good relationship (Eileen, Ron, Nancy…)

Forgiving can come with time, and this is not ineffective. (Double negatives are allright sometimes… thus sayeth the Spirit… lest you hear Me as all seriousness. I need rhythm, too!) But it is like unto strolling a mile vs. running the mile with effort. The effort makes possible success if it is truly needed, while strolling prepares you only to stroll. If you forgive only over time you will be able to do only that. Be versatile. Pulsate as you saw the word this morning.

MAY 31, 1979, 6:15 AM

I see “forgive” as a pulsating word this morning.

(That first sentence was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

This is true, o son, but so do I, and you could have waiting a moment… I am ready to teach!

Yes, forgive is a pulsating word, meaning that it is a moving, dynamic concept. To forgive takes much and requires; you are “less” because you have forgiven, but, also, wonderfully, you are more. Is it part of rhythm? Verily, it is. Forgiveness is an important part of health. Forgiving and . . .

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