Forgive… Again

JUNE 1, 1979, 7:25 AM

Hear the voice of the Lord, the Spirit, as it brings more teachings on the theme of yesterday. Thus far, while there has been relationship among the themes, each day is different. Now we shall continue on this important one. Remember, I said this is an important health issue… an important example of spiritual health. And I don’t want you to just “file it” and go on with your health teaching as if it weren’t an important issue.

Initially, I shall direct you in the opportunities for teaching in which this applies. But then you will begin to recognize them yourself and include it in ever more natural ways.

You must not bring the spiritual dimension in too abruptly and forcefully. It has not been a recognized portion of your field (Our field, really) so there will be those who resent and object. First, forgive them their attitudes and postures, accept them as they are (for this is what forgiveness demands), and then quietly and easily, with a joyous spirit, bring them a bit closer to recognition. Don’t make a war out of the possibilities you have now. Certainly not a holy war. Those have rarely done much long term good.

Your forgiveness yesterday was in the right spirit, but not as good as it could have been. Those folks at S.F. need positive strokes, too, so look for opportunities (Yes, that is one of My favorite words… representing one of the best concepts there is) to compliment them and respond positively, not grudgingly, to their suggestions and criticisms. Think not, o son, that all wisdom is yours. Do what you can do, with a happy and forgiving heart, and then see the next opportunity as a chance to rewrite, reshape, renew… do it better. You can always do things better.

However, remember that it is not the quality of work you do that matters most to Me, but the kind of person you are. I purpose for you to be a forgiving person, one who accepts what happens, sees what is good, and happily accepts, as they are, those who have been responsible. All people are not going to be this way, and there are others that I purpose for other virtues. This doesn’t mean that such people don’t forgive (or shouldn’t forgive), but merely that what they have to do for Me overshadows forgiveness.

As I said, you do this fairly well (I really meant rather well… you toned it down to fairly… but I forgive you!) but you can improve. You can do better what you do well naturally. And, as I also said, you think you forgive well, so you have trouble with those times in which pride, particularly, keeps you from true, and speedy, forgiveness.

(Isn’t it interesting that, as you began this learning time less than a month ago, you wrote one page. Then, reluctantly, you went on to two. Now you go to the third page without hesitation. Don’t worry. I won’t overburden you. Just be sure that you reread the teachings with some regularity. Also reread once per month, on the 10th the previous month’s writings. You’ll see why as your “library” begins to build.)

JUNE 1, 1979, 7:25 AM

Hear the voice of the Lord, the Spirit, as it brings more teachings on the theme of yesterday. Thus far, while there has been relationship among the themes, each day is different. Now we shall continue on this important one. Remember, I said this is an important health issue… an important example of spiritual health. And I don’t want you to just “file it” and go on with your health teaching as if it weren’t an important issue.

Initially, I shall direct you in the opportunities for teaching in which this applies . . .

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