
SEPT. 1, 1980, 6:25 AM

I purpose today, o son, to talk about that most fundamental of spiritual capacities – forgiveness. Forgiveness is, in truth, the most fundamental concern for others (or another)… as against a defense of self. Forgiveness is necessary when someone has wronged you… or you think such has happened. Can you see the value of the other person shining above what he or she did to you… and can that value of person overcome concern for your own rights?

Forgiveness is the essence of grace and therefore is rather antithetical to justice. When a person has wronged you he deserves punishment… or at least exclusion, from your active friendship. (This can be subtle, but it is “intended” as a form of punishment.) This is justice. Forgiveness is an unwarranted gift… that only the wronged person can give. But it is a manifestation of the spirit not just the mind.

You can know what Scripture teaches about forgiveness and you can, intellectually, desire to forgive. But unless the spirit feels this also and truly “agrees” the forgiveness is hollow. The fullest, most genuine forgiveness is that in which mind and spirit are in agreement.

When the spirit is more attuned to grace and its forgiveness it shall offer forgiveness more freely and quickly, but the mind says, “What about you? You can’t let him do that to you. You can’t accept that. That would be weakness. Show your strength.” This, too can be subtle, calling on honor and integrity, two important aspects of the spirit. The battle is on. When spirit is strong it wins out, but when mind is strong also it may require some time. Forgiveness comes, but it is withheld, for a time.

In true forgiveness there is the essence of the last shall be first, in weakness there is strength, and the meek shall inherit the earth. These make no sense to the strong, self-protective mind. First is obviously better than last, strength is the opposite of weakness, and assertiveness always wins out over meekness. But these are not mistakes. What I said about true forgiveness is fundamental spiritual principle.

SEPT. 1, 1980, 6:25 AM

I purpose today, o son, to talk about that most fundamental of spiritual capacities – forgiveness. Forgiveness is, in truth, the most fundamental concern for others (or another)… as against a defense of self. Forgiveness is necessary when someone has wronged you… or you think such has happened. Can you see the value of the other person shining above what he or she did to you… and can that value of person overcome concern for your own rights?

Forgiveness is the essence of grace and therefore is rather antithetical to justice. When . . .

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