Forgiveness, Yet Again

THURS., AUG. 30, 1990, 6:35 AM

This is a familiar theme, in one form or another, in these meditations. You have accepted both the message and the concept rather well. You acknowledge that you sin in various ways, but your hand does not leave Mine. I do not let you go, no matter what your thoughts and actions. And your departures from Me and My Way are brief.

Having this concept and this knowledge makes it difficult for you to understand how I could retain this recollection of sin and sins for My people, Israel, in Ezekiel’s story. You calculated some 400 years between their time in Egypt and the exodus and their time in Babylon… and I still am remembering their sin from years back. That was My message through Ezekiel. I need not explain it. It was his message. Yours is different. And you are quite familiar with My assertion that I am not bound to what humans call consistency.

I administer justice, and I bestow mercy. When I am being just, I am not merciful. When I am being merciful, justice is not served. That is true in human dealings, as well. Yet it is most important as I function as God Almighty.

You wonder how I shall judge your country in the years ahead. Do I approve of this current military build-up? Does it prevent actual warfare and the take-over of countries by an aggressor? The Old Testament story tells that I am not opposed to military might. Does this apply to the weapons and capabilities of this day?

I tell Ezekiel that persons shall be judged individually and not as part of a family or nation. Yet I also seem to be punishing the nation for its actions in the past. Surely there were some Jews who were steadfast in their faith, you conclude. Yes, and their individual salvation was commensurate with their faith. However, they still were part of a people and had to endure the earthly consequences of that people’s action.

You do not approve of nor are proud of all that your country does. Yet you must take the consequences of your nation’s actions. If your country’s present actions maintain the peace and restore the flow of oil you shall enjoy some benefits. Then there may be a later price for this military action, and you will have to be one of those who pays. None of this affects your personal salvation. You can sing My song in any set of circumstances.

I shall say again My most important observation in relation to forgiveness. I want you to function as fully in your every day life as possible. I want you to feel the positive relationship with Me, which is the key factor in your functioning fully. From “long experience” with humans I know the guilt, shame, and a feeling of being responsible for some wrong greatly hinder full functioning. Spiritually you are covered with dirt and smelly grime. You are repelled by yourself, as are others.

Forgiveness frees you from this bondage. You are washed clean. You glory in yourself, and others respond. You are free to function without guilt or shame… free to be the loving, giving person I want you to be. I just know that forgiveness brings this desirable condition. And thus, in love, I bestow it. It is not deserved, but you can show your appreciation by the way you live and by thanking Me, in acknowledgment.

THURS., AUG. 30, 1990, 6:35 AM

This is a familiar theme, in one form or another, in these meditations. You have accepted both the message and the concept rather well. You acknowledge that you sin in various ways, but your hand does not leave Mine. I do not let you go, no matter what your thoughts and actions. And your departures from Me and My Way are brief.

Having this concept and this knowledge makes it difficult for you to understand how I could retain this recollection of sin and sins for My people, Israel, in Ezekiel . . .

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