“Forked Tongue”

SAT., DEC. 15, 1990, 7:29 AM

Do I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God and of Jesus the Christ, speak with a “forked tongue”? Do I give messages and advice of one sort to some Christians and virtually the opposite to others? Do I say to Christians that this is the one true religion but then still relate, in other ways, to those of other faiths? Hear, o son, for I shall speak to these questions this morning.

Yesterday you conducted a service of burial for a man who was not “good” in the Christian sense. I had given you words of encouragement to his son and his grandsons, and you used these as I directed. You took this theme of forgiveness and acceptance and used the Psalm to develop it further. You did not consider the fact that with his actions in life in his last years and his non-repentance as “measures” his soul was burning in hell as you uttered those comforting words. And yet this is a message some Christians, even some of those present yesterday, would have brought, with Scriptural conviction.

I did not encourage you to offer the karmic message that you know to be true (because I have given it to you)… that without full and complete acceptance of My grace this Grandpa is still under the law of karma and must, in some way or ways, atone for the actions of this latter portion of his life. He may have to return to the earth and live a life or lives that are more gentle and helpful to others. He, himself, as he sees his life in retrospect, is dissatisfied, so he will be part of the decision about what comes next. His hell is the reality of wasted years. His heaven is a range of opportunities ahead to help bring his spirit into relationship with Me.

Why didn’t I have you say this? Your message was a humanistic/Christian amalgam and about what you should have said. So, no, I am not consistent in My messages to Christian about the continuation of spiritual life and its relationship to how earth life has been lived. I do like variety, and I do have fun, in My “position” as Holy Spirit. I do encourage different interpretations of the faith, and I even encourage some of this “I’m right and you’re wrong” among Christians. This is just My way, and I am happy with it. Therefore it must be acceptable for you, as a servant of Mine, to speak with a forked tongue also.

However, the other heresy I have shared with you and encouraged you to share with some others is that I am the Only One True God and therefore it is I who speak to Moslems, Buddhists, Taoists, and even those who proclaim that there is no God. The confrontation in the Middle East is ostensibly about oil and about aggressive take-overs of sovereign countries, but at this time it also is a confrontation, on the “same side,” between Christians and Moslems. For, yes, it is I who say to those who serve Me as Allah that they must not allow symbols of My Christian religion. Some Christians will have their faith tested, and so will some Moslems. And I am She (aha, another controversy!) who is behind the confrontation and the potential for growth.

I do not speak in one language or in one dialect. This is the symbol for the fact that I also have a variety of interpretations of spiritual matters that I allow and encourage. And you see, don’t you, that this message is not any universal, healing one. To proclaim what I have told you would make you just another voice of divisiveness.

SAT., DEC. 15, 1990, 7:29 AM

Do I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God and of Jesus the Christ, speak with a “forked tongue”? Do I give messages and advice of one sort to some Christians and virtually the opposite to others? Do I say to Christians that this is the one true religion but then still relate, in other ways, to those of other faiths? Hear, o son, for I shall speak to these questions this morning.

Yesterday you conducted a service of burial for a man who was not “good” in the Christian sense . . .

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