Forms Of Service

THURS., APR. 18, 1991, 12:58 PM

Yes, o son, this week has been so busy that Teachings have not seemed possible. I awoke you early enough this morning for one, but when you opted for more sleep I had to go to “Plan B.” You knew you had time this afternoon, and so here you are. Welcome!

You know that what I want most from you is service… in the place where you, in the job that you have. I realize that opportunities for service vie with one another for your time. I also know that your appreciation of the Now!, which I have recommended, takes time from service options. I never want service to seem like a chore. I don’t want you to think, “Oh, I have to be of service today.”

Rather, I want you to offer yourself to others, in helping ways, but relating as a whole person, not as some dedicated servant. Now some peoples’ personalities are naturally servile and meek, and these can be themselves and offer gentle service. You would not do well with such a stance. You are more assertive, so you’re not going to think about serving others, often, in this Mother Teresa mode. No, you shall give authoritative help, you shall be friendly despite your position of relative power over students. You shall write… to individuals and to larger groups. You shall do many professorial tasks, but you shall do them with unconscious dedication to Me. Hence, whatever you do is service to Me. This seems easy, but I tell you that being a born-again Christian is not, finally, a hard task.

It is important for you to hear Me regularly, and also to dedicate what you do to Me. Certainly you may ask for My help, for this is one form of dedication. When you ask me to be part of what you do you are, in fact, dedicating your service, whatever it may be.

Talking with people as you have today is a form of service, and you realize this after such a conversation. These are not wastes of time, but friendly service to some who need help that you can give. You are not a counselor of those with deep problems, but you can give time that will boost the self esteem of some relatively healthy people. Always remember that in our description and interpretation of health it is a value that you help maintain and improve the well-being of healthy folks.

It is a small service that you offer a thoughtful but dull lecture and then close it with 2 contrasting songs… with the songs contrasting with the lecture mode. You see their demeanor (the students’) change, and they leave feeling better about what you said than if they had taken more notes about the last 6 or 7 minutes (yes, it seems good that you didn’t arise at that early hour).

Yes, there shall be opportunities for you to serve My servant and your Mother-in-law, Mabel. She wants to be remembered as a special servant of Mine, and a written record will help to insure such a remembrance. You have some skills that can be valuable in making her work mor readable. You should have time this next week for such service. Be willing.

The conversation with Dorothy this week should push you to consider offering your Sunday class again next year. There may be others for whom it will be an important service. Worry not about numbers. You have not utilized your Teachings from Me this year as you have when the class was a regular part of each week. It is a form of service… this class… and I would approve if you should feel like offering it again… for your benefit as well as for others.

You have just written the pearl of wisdom relating to this realm of service. When a service you offer to others also benefits you, then there is supreme value. Some service offers such a tandem value in rather obvious ways. All important service is not such, but be aware that this is “the best.”

THURS., APR. 18, 1991, 12:58 PM

Yes, o son, this week has been so busy that Teachings have not seemed possible. I awoke you early enough this morning for one, but when you opted for more sleep I had to go to “Plan B.” You knew you had time this afternoon, and so here you are. Welcome!

You know that what I want most from you is service… in the place where you, in the job that you have. I realize that opportunities for service vie with one another for your time. I also know that . . .

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