Free Enterprise

MON., AUG. 2, 1982. 6:36 AM

You son, John Patrick, is one of the most enthusiastic and avid students of these teachings. He is using them uniquely and well. So why not offer him a “direct”… one on free enterprise. You knew, o son, there was a reason for you getting up at this early hour. Now you know what it is.

I am not interested in business, per se, but I am interested in any enterprise in which spirit is displayed… or is deliberately downplayed. (Obviously My interests are different as the situations are different.) My interest is positive and genuine when a business is conducted in ways that recognize the holiness of persons, in ways that have persons relating to each other and meeting one another’s needs. My interest is lessened and even becomes negative when the enterprise is directly or indirectly harmful to the earth and its people. The weapons of war are a blatant example. I realize that good, Christian folk earn their livelihood in such industries, but in that way they go against Me. No concessions.

Let Me define and describe the free enterprise that interests Me. It is not the enterprise that is free OF Me, but rather the enterprise that is free UNDER Me. Any business that is conducted as if I and My influence do not exist, whether this is blatant and obvious or merely tacit, is of little interest to Me, and I have little to say about it… until it begins to bring harm to people, and then I oppose it. This doesn’t mean the ideal is to have quotations from Me, as Jesus, prominently displayed or to quote the Bible constantly. It does mean that however the enterprise is conducted, it is done with the conscious recognition of My potential involvement and with love and respect for other persons and the earth (even when those other persons are less than beautiful).

As I have told you the only true freedom is freedom under My direction. This seems to encompass a conflict, but it is merely appearance. The only true freedom comes when you have given up your freedom to be apart from Me and seek My will and My assistance. This does not always result in immediate economic success, but it does bring spiritual success, and this is what is real and ultimate.

Economic success is not totally desirable. Now there are individuals, even companies and enterprises, that have economic success and that acknowledge Me as the source of their blessings. Much of the time this is not of My doing (I just do not dabble in the stock market or advise on new products). But anyone who acknowledges Me and thanks Me for blessings, even as I am not involved… I am apt to give such a one a “boost” from time to time.

MON., AUG. 2, 1982. 6:36 AM

You son, John Patrick, is one of the most enthusiastic and avid students of these teachings. He is using them uniquely and well. So why not offer him a “direct”... one on free enterprise. You knew, o son, there was a reason for you getting up at this early hour. Now you know what it is.

I am not interested in business, per se, but I am interested in any enterprise in which spirit is displayed… or is deliberately downplayed. (Obviously My interests are different as the situations are different.) My . . .

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