Free Fall

TUES., FEB. 2, 1988, 7:11 AM

This is a term used most directly in relation to sky diving, referring to the few seconds the diver can experience in falling toward earth with no parachute support. In your waking moments you envisioned a fall from a rock cliff, and you wondered whether you would have the spirit to enjoy the free fall when the end would be violent death. It must be obvious that there is a spiritual message in this bizarre thought, or I wouldn’t have you here writing in this cool room.

It is the same theme that I developed for you in the recent Teaching entitled “Squiggles”… that despite what you know about the transition between this earth life and the more eternal life you still could have doubts and would be dreading the death rather than anticipating the new light of revelation. When you are at your present age or younger and when you are in vigorous good health you are, in analogy, wafting down with a parachute instead of the free fall. (Be not bothered by the up and down aspect of the analogy. There are no ups and downs when you move out of earth life.)

When death is imminent, and you are doing nothing effective to sustain life you move into free fall. And it should be as exhilarating and spirit tingling as sky divers describe their free fall as being. In your culture it is not easy to give up trying to live life as you know it to be. There is much pressure… from self, from others, and from the medical institution… to hang onto life and stay out of the free fall. If we return to the cliff picture you would hang onto the edge with great determination and make every effort to inch your way back up, with dread for the moment when this is no longer possible.

But then, finally, comes the fall, and you are free to enjoy the experience or to focus solely upon that coming moment of impact. Even some Christians live their spiritual lives in this fashion – dreading the impact of death, for they may have sinned too frequently. They lose or never develop the beauty of living life as a free fall with grace… a time to be appreciated fully, even though it is short by eternal “measures.” I say, let the impact happen when it happens, without anticipation, and enjoy the experience of the free fall.

I realize that in actual life that free fall period can be a time of pain that is quite difficult to enjoy. There are two ways to deal with this, and highly developed spirits have accomplished one or the other. One is to ignore the pain in the ecstasy of the free fall. I have told you repeatedly that pain can be lessened through spiritual power (even through mental power… and the combination is supreme). In this way pain is just put aside. The “good” is superceded by the better. In the other way the pain is simply incorporated into the free fall experience and is made tolerable to enjoyable by the total experience.

I know that some pain can be disabling, but I also know of much potential pain that is never heeded because spirit is stronger and more dominant.

Free fall is not anticipation. It is the awareness and appreciation of the actual moments of transition. It can be a joyous, rapturous time. This is possible when you have a vision of how you shall be when the restraints of earth life are shed. The details are not important. It is sufficient to know that you break forth into consciousness that has not been possible in the earth (except for moments). You will have a sense of all you have been, of how well you have done in the earth life completed, and of the opportunities for spiritual growth that come next. And you experience all of this bathed in My light and love. The length of an earth life is really of little consequence. You shall feel some remnants of sorrow for chances for service that you missed, but the atmosphere is one of positive love, with focus on what has been accomplished and what lies “ahead.”

TUES., FEB. 2, 1988, 7:11 AM

This is a term used most directly in relation to sky diving, referring to the few seconds the diver can experience in falling toward earth with no parachute support. In your waking moments you envisioned a fall from a rock cliff, and you wondered whether you would have the spirit to enjoy the free fall when the end would be violent death. It must be obvious that there is a spiritual message in this bizarre thought, or I wouldn’t have you here writing in this cool room.

It is the . . .

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