Free Will

March 11, 1980, 5:43 AM

This follows the theme of yesterday, o son, in a natural way.  Let me say early that much of this will be a repeat of previous teachings… yet in the midst of reinforcement there may be some new truth.  Also, this is an important aspect of spiritual life, of which you should know more.  (It is a good theme, but your mind wanders badly this morning.  You must pay closer attention).

Free will is one of My gifts to persons.  It is not a right, but a gift.  The way of nature is to guarantee that certain tasks be done for the survival of the group.  Certain creatures must sacrifice their lives for the good of the group… must do certain onerous tasks.  There is no free choice, really.

Humans are a part of nature, so there is no stark departure from the requirements thereof.  There is a “built-in” sense of knowing what you must do in life… though the society of which you are a part dims this sense mightily.  For I have given you something of myself – free will – and it has been variously incorporated into lives and into societies.  Remember this firmly:  it is a gift, not a right.

You have free will only because it is an aspect of My nature that I have given to each.  Like unto faith each has a special amount.  Part of the puzzle of each life on earth is to discern how much free will you do have and how it should be manifested.

I say it is a gift of My Being, which is to say that I have the maximum free will.  As I said yesterday, I, the Spirit, work when, and where, and how I please or choose.  As this is worked out My will must dominate that of others.  Or… I can choose not to exert My will, and leave others free to function.

You have pondered, before, the manifestation of this in My life as Jesus, the Christ.  That, certainly, was a difficult balance.  I was manifested as Jesus, fully… yet I remained Almighty God.  I was fully in Him, yet He prayed to Me.  It is not easy to unravel, given your thinking patterns.  As Jesus I was free to live as I pleased and free to die as a sacrifice.  Yet there was a purpose I was fulfilling, so freedom was given up to purpose.  Did all the incidents in the Scriptures arise freely and spontaneously or were some of them predetermined?  What do you think?  An ultimate rhythm, perhaps?

My Will finally prevails… though sometimes it is the will not to exert My Will.  The more I manifest in your life… or any life… the more My Will guides and prevails over your will.  This is the basic teaching.  Does it say this in the Bible?  Not in so many words.  So this can be of use to you in other realms of inquiry and truth.

Hear My voice and know My will.  Be a part of Me rather than just an independent self… an illusion, surely.  Come and learn all through this week.  And then incorporate what you learn.


6:37 AM