Free Will?

WED., OCT. 26, 1994, 11:47 AM

The joust betwixt you and Harry this morning was almost rousing, and I’m pleased that you’re becoming quite proficient in telling what I’ve told you in these Teachings. Remember always to indicate that your view may not be the only true one… or when you are able to testify as to where your knowledge of Me comes from that I don’t necessarily give the message to everyone, even to My special servants. And to argue that I must be consistent is another swipe at the First Commandment… creating a “better God.”

Your reading and rereading of Daniel is one of the benefits of your group’s lethargy in keeping the discussion to the actual Scriptural passages. I approve of your conclusions as to the central focal teaching: I have supreme power and knowledge, and there is no one way that I must always act. I love humans as My best single creation, but no human can declare, for certain, how that love will be manifested. I am One Who both forgives and dispenses justice. I may even seem to be capricious, and if I am, actually, who are you to declare that I may not be so?

I love peace, but there are other realms that are eternally peaceful. There is some merit to such an environment, but I also like this earth scene, with many diverse departures from peace. And I’ll even say that continuing peace can be boring, even for Me, who loves it.

Absolute free will is almost impossible. The conditions would have to be those without influences of any sort, with a personality completely inner directed. This would be quite a selfish person, with no regard for views other than those of self. So free will, to be a viable concept, must be relative. In almost any action there are competing motivations, even within self. You are free to drink to drunkenness, but you know what the next day can feel like, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Then there are the judgments of others, including Lenore, of course… and even Me.

Consider an example I like better: you are free to come to this pad with this pen and hear Me… or to choose not to “use your time” in this way. The choice is up to you. Or is it? I have told you I want you to write 3 or 4 times a week. You know very well the feeling, in both your spirit and your mind, when you don’t fulfill this expression of My Will. You could say that you choose to do it, of your own free will. Yet that implies that you could choose the opposite (not coming at all) or a variation (once a week). This is just not acceptable to Me. What would happen? You don’t even want to find out! You have a positive addiction, and I am proud of you for having it.

Are you free to not give money to your sons and their families when they need it? Or approving of Lenore’s giving when she is asked, rather than you? It could be seen as fiscally more responsible, but you know this is not even a moderately high value with Me. My Will is that you give away more than “you should.” Is it your free will to follow such a practice? or to feel uncomfortable when you don’t?

WED., OCT. 26, 1994, 11:47 AM

The joust betwixt you and Harry this morning was almost rousing, and I’m pleased that you’re becoming quite proficient in telling what I’ve told you in these Teachings. Remember always to indicate that your view may not be the only true one… or when you are able to testify as to where your knowledge of Me comes from that I don’t necessarily give the message to everyone, even to My special servants. And to argue that I must be consistent is another swipe at the First . . .

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