
December 12, 1979, 4:56 AM

Your response, o early son, was rapid to this theme for this morning.  It was the focus of your class discussion yesterday, and there are some things I would say about it before the final classes.  Hear the word of the Spirit of the Lord!  A humble beginning.

You had a chance to speak for Me yesterday, and you remained silent.  You spoke of the Communists, but you failed to follow up and give My comparable message.  I am disappointed.  So I teach and remind you so that you can amend and patch.

First, you were speaking of freedom as a physical and mental condition.  While it is these, its essence is as a condition of the spirit.  To be free is to be free in spirit.  Since this is the essence of you, the freedom or no-freedom of this spirit is the crucial issue.  And, more so than with the Communists, when you are completely under My grace and completely doing My will you are completely free.  To the extent that you rely on your own resources and seek not My will and way you are bound by the consequences of your actions and thoughts.  And, practically speaking, your freedom is diminished.

The thought flashed through your mind (actually I flashed it) that the Apostle Paul was about as physically captive as he could be, and yet he proclaimed his freedom.  You used a “hell”, and that was OK.  You should have been just as free to give Paul’s proclamation, I really thought you would be so.  Make up for this on Thursday.

On the Continuum the relationship can still be down toward the Ecological end… perhaps 2.0 or less.  You say there is no place on there that is inherently more healthy than another.  As a theoretical construct that is right, but I must affirm… and as My man I urge you to testify… that being in relationship to Me is healthiest and the state and process of most freedom.  It is superior to just being “your own person”.

Larry offered a perspective on which you did not really elaborate as you should.  It was the “freedom to” or “freedom from”.  My contribution is, of course, in “freedom to”.  You give Me yourself, and My return gift is freedom to be… in Me.  The restrictions you will feel will feel good.  If you don’t feel a restriction, in your spirit, then it is not a restriction for you.  You are free to be a unique, special Servant of Mine.  The major assessment is not how you’re doing in the world (though that is important), but how you are with Me.  Seek My guidance and direction, and you shall feel freedom in your heart and spirit – true freedom.  This is an empowering freedom – to do more than you would be capable of on your own.  This affirmation must be made carefully, but it is fine to make.  Or let’s say you are free to make such an affirmation.

Actually, however, the best way to portray freedom is as a yin and yang principle, rather than an all-or-none.  (I can think both ways… and a few more.  This is My best). Freedom and restriction are everlasting opposites, but must balance each other for maximum health.  The balance will change from time to time, and that is good.  But more freedom is not necessarily desirable.  Freedom is desirable to balance restriction.  But, at a point, restriction is desirable to balance freedom.  This is the explanation of what I told you first.  It is not paradoxical that allegiance to Me is freedom.  Rather, it is the awareness and appreciation that each is real and each balances the other.

Freedom grows in proportion to the bondage to Me.  At least it grows as a perception and as a feeling.

This is an important health concept, and I hope you will explain it and affirm it in both ways.  Each is an aspect of truth.  Look for the truth in each, not in the conflict.

Seek My will this day.  Enjoy the freedom of being in Me.  Communicate this to others as is appropriate.  Restrictions on this are mostly self-imposed, not of Me.

So be it this day

5:42 AM