“Freedom And Dependence”…

SAT., JUNE 27, 1998, 6:40 AM

… is quite a good dual theme for Me, Holy Spirit, to develop… and you can then see how what I say matches… or doesn’t… with what she preaches tomorrow morning. In some ways it is a “crazy combination”, for, by rational thinking, they are, at least, somewhat in opposition. Yet I affirm that they are important aspects of My both/and creation and perception of the earth.

It would seem as though the earth is quite (even absolutely?) a physical realm. The physical and biological sciences have firmly established certain facts about how the earth is and how predictably bodies function. In this perspective the only possibility is that reluctant scientific admission that… we may not yet have all the data… from complete tests.

I affirm, as you are quite aware, that I see earth as primarily a spiritual realm, with all of this physical “reality”, including all of these aspects of bodily life, just constituting a wonderfully unique experience for spiritual growth. (Have I said this before? Reinforcement is one of My prime educational principles).

I’ll recall for you one of My primary, but hard to understand, premises, and I’ll say it simply: you are most free when you are dependent on Me. From My perspective this is not a “crazy combination”, but, rather one that dips into both realities, the spiritual and the physical

Earth life, without firm relationship with Me, is precarious, in relation to freedom. Your President is now in China and is trying to say, forcefully, that citizens of our country are more “free” than the Chinese. He is assuming, though not stating, that Americans who are Christians, as he is, have a freedom from God (all of Us) that those in an atheistic culture cannot have. This is fundamentally true, but in relation to spirit, not food, medical care, “the goods of the realm”.

When you are with Me, in these times of Teaching and learning, you have a complete sense of freedom. You know I speak truth to you, though it may not be truth to all. Elizah may have parted the Red Sea with his folded cloak and walked across on dry land. It may have been My Will, as all-Powerful God, to provide this for Elisha, as well, as evidence that he, too, was chosen. One aspect of freedom is to cause or to experience the physical earth functioning for you, rather than “naturally”.

Elisha wanted dependence on Me, for the many benefits this would bring. He assuredly had the sense that his dependence on Me brought true freedom… or/and that his giving up complete freedom allowed him to be dependent, and this was more satisfying than the affirmed value of freedom, by itself.

Paul, on the other hand, in his Letter to the folks at Galatia, described this much more as a continuing struggle between what I want of each one of you and what the “evil one” favors. I do not deny that this competition appears to be a clear picture of earth life. Each of you human souls, however fresh and inexperienced you may be… or how advanced and developed… must continually fight against this force of evil and his demons. So I do not deny that this is a legitimate way for Christians to view the earth scene.

SAT., JUNE 27, 1998, 6:40 AM

… is quite a good dual theme for Me, Holy Spirit, to develop… and you can then see how what I say matches… or doesn’t… with what she preaches tomorrow morning. In some ways it is a “crazy combination”, for, by rational thinking, they are, at least, somewhat in opposition. Yet I affirm that they are important aspects of My both/and creation and perception of the earth.

It would seem as though the earth is quite (even absolutely?) a physical realm. The physical and biological sciences have firmly established certain . . .

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