Freedom And Equality

WED., DEC. 5, 1984, 9:43 AM

These two concepts or conditions of being are certainly important ones for high quality earth life (or so it seems). You speak of them often in their secular sense, so this morning, as snow still falls softly, let Me give you My perspective. In some ways it is supportive of the secular description, and in some ways an important complement. (Remember that I do not give you the story in which I oppose and sorrow continuously about earth life. Rather, the earth is My Creation, I am responsible, ultimately, for all that occurs, and, basically, it’s going about the way I expected. That is not every servant’s story.)

First, while the Durants say that freedom and equality are everlasting enemies, I say that they are complementary (in the yin/yang sense) like unto justice and mercy. Each is to be valued highly, and the overemphasis on one brings the need for the other. Yet when they are equally balanced, which might seem to be the ideal state of affairs, this may not seem an ideal state in which to remain after all. So, there shall be times in a culture, or for an individual when freedom abounds… and inequalities become more evident. Changes come, and these are changes that restore equality, but at the expense of freedom.

But now let Me reassert some truths about each of these concepts that must be considered. First, and most importantly, true freedom is in Me, not apart from Me. In an ultimate sense, any person who has not committed self to Me, fully, cannot be free, no matter what the personal, political and economic conditions may be. When you are committed to doing My will, then you are truly free, for grace abounds and there should be no anxiety or worry to mar your freedom. Whatever I have you do is finally freeing… you must trust that this is so.

Equality is an interesting and a more difficult concept in My realm. There is an equality of initial blessing upon each created soul, and there is a final theoretical equality as each returns to be a part of Me, but in between equality is not very important. Individuals do not grow in spirit in equal ways. I do not call all people equally. There are admonitions to strive and to serve, and these are not heeded and acted upon equally. But then there is My irrational decree, that has a perverse equalitarian quality… the first shall be last, and the last, first. When someone has obviously achieved as he should and evidenced the inequality that is the reality of life I can reward him with the humility-stimulating experience of being last, raising some undeserving person to the deserved spot. Ah, Me, I do sometimes enjoy these irrational moments.

All individuals in the earth cannot be free in a political and economic sense. For freedom does give inequality a chance to be enacted, and without My direct influence on lives, freedom for some becomes bondage for others… often many others. Those who have superior positions resist attempts to equalize, and therefore the terrible conditions of some communist regimes can be expected.

To many I give the freedom to come to Me, to stay away, or even to reject Me, even My reality. Even with good, giving lives these cannot grow in spirit as they could with Me. And hence they become more unequal in that essence which transcends earth life. You do not have the freedom to reject My overtures. You can resist, but you must come and do what I would have you do. Your response to this apparent loss of freedom is to grow in spirit and hence become more unequal, in the desired direction, spiritually.

WED., DEC. 5, 1984, 9:43 AM

These two concepts or conditions of being are certainly important ones for high quality earth life (or so it seems). You speak of them often in their secular sense, so this morning, as snow still falls softly, let Me give you My perspective. In some ways it is supportive of the secular description, and in some ways an important complement. (Remember that I do not give you the story in which I oppose and sorrow continuously about earth life. Rather, the earth is My Creation, I am responsible, ultimately, for all . . .

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