Freedom… Equality… Politics

THURS., OCT. 10, 1996, 10:38 AM

This is the surging political season in your representative democratic culture. The two major parties have certain differences, but because there is much diversity in your culture, even among voters, the differences are great… if one wants to be elected. In general, the Republicans are for less government, or more local than national government, and more freedom. The Democrats are for as much government as is necessary to curb the excesses of freedom and to bring about as much equality as is possible and feasible.

I, as Almighty God, created this earth scene and I “designed” the creatures who and that are in it, and I “work” to maintain a desirable balance of all life, with the limitations of this rather small sphere (particularly in land area). As I have told you repeatedly I love diversity, even as I realize this causes “problems”. What I want you to see as the chief lesson of the original Garden story is that as soon as there was a man, a woman, and a talking snake the placidness and peace of Eden was disrupted. As I have told you I arranged this, and I have accepted that such conflicts will continue at the levels… personal, family, neighborhood, region, nation, and world.

I know that My Holy Scriptures tend to say and be interpreted as saying that I am not responsible for all of the conflict, and that I really want a much more uniform, cooperating, peaceful humanity. Not so. That would mean I am an incompetent Creator and an impotent… or irresponsible… Sustainer. You know Me better than that!

The Durants were right when they analyzed history and concluded that freedom and equality are everlasting “enemies”… at least opposites. Then, as the Tao symbol suggests the balances will be different, over time, but an excess in one almost guarantees a rebalancing toward the other. All persons are not created equal, nor do all grow up in equal situations of opportunity. The “strong” in any aspect of life, tend to dominate, but there are competitions among the strong and, therefore, conflicts. Sometimes the “strong” defeat each other. Sometimes the “weak” overcome with patience and numbers.

As I have told you, also, I have no favorite political or economic system. The Scriptures give little guidance to modern politicians and economists, even if they were interested. The early Christians acted in a voluntary, socialist way, sharing what they had, and this has merit for small groups. Yet you know that, in your local church, there will not be agreement on how monies, offered to Me, in appreciation for My blessings, should be spent in the future – on the organ, on stained glass window repair, youth facilities, buildings anew, or giving more, in benevolences, to those in the world, even in this community, who have less.

Those who have the most have a tendency to feel they should determine policies. Any governmental policy, with enforcement, benefits some and hurts others. Making a bigger profit is a basis for any business to hire more workers, but at what price does the profit come. I can view all of the systems of this world, and can comprehend all of the consequences of actions and inactions. I can influence, and I can choose to guide and direct, occasionally. Is the earth, then, as I want it to be?

Of course… but this does include conflict, violence, pain, suffering, and death. You have wondered why it was “necessary” for Me, as Jesus, to be hunted down, falsely charged, humiliated, crucified, with suffering, and allowed to die in a painful ignominious way. Symbolically this made possible to victory of resurrection. This was a balance that continues today.

THURS., OCT. 10, 1996, 10:38 AM

This is the surging political season in your representative democratic culture. The two major parties have certain differences, but because there is much diversity in your culture, even among voters, the differences are great… if one wants to be elected. In general, the Republicans are for less government, or more local than national government, and more freedom. The Democrats are for as much government as is necessary to curb the excesses of freedom and to bring about as much equality as is possible and feasible.

I, as Almighty God, created this . . .

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