Freeing The Consciousness

THURS., NOV. 20, 1986, 11:56 AM

Here you are, o son, high above these Rocky Mountains, heading for a new series of adventures. You knew that this must be a time for hearing Me, but the ingestion of alcohol, with first class as a gift, made you wonder. Fear not. If anything, I am more available, because your rational mind is dozing, but your spirit is relatively freed. Write on, for I am here, and your spirit harkens.

The preparations for this trip were a bit traumatic, but here you are, heeding My urging to take life as it comes along… worrying not about what you didn’t do, but readying yourself for the times ahead. I am not encouraging you to ignore those harried feelings before departure. These are the evidence for living in the present. If you didn’t have these, you would not be motivated to accomplish what you usually do during this hurried period. I actually enjoy being with you as you hurry, squirm, tense, make and fulfill lists of TO DO’s… for you are living out your earthly life fully. You have enjoyed and will enjoy realms of pure spirit. Now is the time to live this life, moment by moment, and not in anticipation of future feelings & state of being.

If this plane should suddenly plunge to the ground, and your earthly life would be suddenly and violently ended, then the life of spirit would become reality. If the plane flies on, and you observe the brown hills and plains below, then you must accept the delightful fact that you are still in the earth, hampered by its limitations, but still freed to appreciate its wonders.

As I have told you, alcohol is a revealer of ultimate consciousness, and though it may cause your handwriting to be less than its best, it encourages the feeling that “spirit is the essence of life.” Your consciousness can turn to Me with less interference. You can breathe deeply and feel Me active in your being. I am always there, but your rational mind and your cultural imperatives warn and work against complete acceptance.

You love this feeling of freed consciousness, where spirit is supreme. You can achieve it without alcohol, and this is commendable. Yet you have “inherited” and developed strong task-masters, and these are threatened by this felt freedom. Each has merit in your life. I shall not say that you should embrace the one and dump the other. Be aware of and appreciate the balance… the balance best for you, which I shall orchestrate.

Yes, hear Me, for I say that this trip is, in symbol form, a trip out of body to realms beyond. When you leave your body for good, you shall move to a realm that is both new and familiar. You shall leave the obviously familiar and move to the mystically familiar. You shall not grieve for what was, but shall glory in what is and look to what shall be.

Love is the ingredient that binds this all together. You love many aspects of the past. Generally, you love the present. I call on you to love the future, whatever it may be. For loving these planes of existence is truly loving Me, for I am the essence in what is happening.

THURS., NOV. 20, 1986, 11:56 AM

Here you are, o son, high above these Rocky Mountains, heading for a new series of adventures. You knew that this must be a time for hearing Me, but the ingestion of alcohol, with first class as a gift, made you wonder. Fear not. If anything, I am more available, because your rational mind is dozing, but your spirit is relatively freed. Write on, for I am here, and your spirit harkens.

The preparations for this trip were a bit traumatic, but here you are, heeding My . . .

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