Fresh Breezes From Me

THURS., MAR. 12, 1992, 6:29 AM

Hear, o son. The fresh breezes do blow upon you! The writer of that explanation of eldership for your Church did not envision you, with this developed relationship with Me, becoming an active Session member again. However, he did have a strong sense that I do work in a vast number of ways in the lives of those ordained in this special way, and that the best fresh breezes of understanding needed for this era still do come from Me.

Last evening you read a not-very-clear call for an ecotheology by a fairly noted theologian. Immediately you were struck with the fact that I have given you much instruction in the necessity for this for several years… and We have written a Ruminations on this very theme. You see, then, that other spirits are catching the breezes of this special, important theme. Dominant Christian theology can no longer focus entirely upon the human population, with the presumption that human life is supremely precious and must be sustained at any cost.

Rather the theology for this time must see Me as the Creator and Sustainer of a complex ecological system, of which humans are a part. Humans have great God-given capacities, but many of these must now be curbed in order that the whole system can remain healthy. Humans can now cause more harm to the living system that sustains them than at any time in their history. I am reluctant to intervene in powerful, destructive ways, but your present theology must have a new and continuing respect for “acts of God”… for many conditions that are euphemistically called thus may actually be Me, in action.

I did not institute AIDS directly as a modern plague designed to curb human population growth. However, I was quite aware of what this small virus, ultimately a creation of Mine and susceptible to My control, could do in human bodies. Further, I was quite aware of how it would move from person to person. It is not a fatal condition for all of humankind; rather, those most susceptible are those who are thoughtlessly shooting drugs intravenously and those who are sexually promiscuous. Am I using this mutation of nature to warn against such behaviors? Do I withhold the blessings of success on those scientists who search for a cure and an antidote? Fresh theological breeze must try to explain My role in this modern phenom and how it relates to the need to halt the increase in human life.

I am fully aware of the diminishing of the ozone layer above this beautiful planet. I knew what would happen in the interaction of CFC’s and ozone. Why didn’t I prevent such a development, for it could cause much human suffering in the years ahead? How about the answer that I leave it as a warning to industrial societies that more attention must be given to potential future effects of all new, “modern” developments. Manipulating the earth’s material for the apparent good of some humans is not without its harmful consequences. As a theology excludes Me from participation in such matters it also does not give Me credit for helping prevent many other possible disasters.

There is much potential for reducing the increase in human life. I am holding back some conditions, and such action, if you were able to understand My ways, could certainly be called “acts of God.” As you know, prevention cannot be proven, directly, particularly the prevention of something that has not yet happened. I love humans, but I love the complex web of creation more.

THURS., MAR. 12, 1992, 6:29 AM

Hear, o son. The fresh breezes do blow upon you! The writer of that explanation of eldership for your Church did not envision you, with this developed relationship with Me, becoming an active Session member again. However, he did have a strong sense that I do work in a vast number of ways in the lives of those ordained in this special way, and that the best fresh breezes of understanding needed for this era still do come from Me.

Last evening you read a not-very-clear call for an . . .

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